Can’t find UUID and Secret

Help. I’m new to this and I’m working on a new installation of OH. I have a model built and a few things added. So far I’ve found a everything in the documentation but with a LOT of searching. I’m now trying to get the openHab iOS app working on my iPad. I’ve installed the myopenHab add on and created my account at but I cannot find my uuid and secret. The documentation only says it is in a file and I should find it there. It does NOT say what the file is or where it is.
Can anyone point me to the right place?

Nope. That doesn’t tell me what the file is or where it is located.
After much poking around I found them buried in the /var directory. I understand that this runs on lots of different platforms but the docs should at least give some hints where to look. I wasted hours looking for that.
I finally got the stuff typed in correctly and now the iOS app complains about an empty sitemap even though I have everything exposed. Any hints as to what to look at?

Location of UUID and Secret:

File	Regular Installation	APT Installation
UUID	userdata/uuid	/var/lib/openhab/uuid
Secret	userdata/openhabcloud/secret	/var/lib/openhab/openhabcloud/secret

It was a little bit down on the same page

I finally got the stuff typed in correctly and now the iOS app complains about an empty sitemap even though I have everything exposed. Any hints as to what to look at?

Again i am giving you a link go thought it to understand what a sitemap is

Now when you say everything exposed what do you mean by that ?
Please also note the iOS app currently doest support openhab new UI from 3.0 onwards. It’s still in development

My apologies. I saw that and it didn’t register. I didn’t do an apt installation so I just didn’t look at that column. I am using the raspbian image on a raspberry pi which, after thinking about it, probably was developed with apt. Docs are right again.
What I mean by exposed is I went into the myopenHab addon page and identified all the locations and equipment to expose. I’m not clear on what else to expose.
And, no, I did not realize that what I was trying to use was still under development.

Correction… I went into Settings->other services->openHab cloud

The “Items to expose” setting won’t do anything. We used to be able to expose items to IFTTT, but that caused serious issues for our cloud servers and was removed. However the setting is still there, because if someone builds their own cloud server they can use IFTTT.

As previously stated, you need to make a sitemap, which you can do in MainUI. Go to “Pages”, click the + button at the bottom right, and you’ll see this:


If you prefer, the link provided by @stamate_viorel will show you how to make a sitemap via text configuration file, which is how we had to build them in openHAB 2.

Thanks, that was it. I can now see things on my sitemap.