Rather than try to find the problem I’m going to suggest an alternative implementation.
If you are on 2.2 release change your Rule to:
rule "Fenster check"
Item Door1 changed or
Item Door2 changed or
val lastUpdateDoor = triggeringItem
If on a recent 2.3 snapshot then you can use:
rule "Fenster check"
Member of Door changed
val lastUpdateDoor = triggeringItem
Then I’d trade this rather high degree of complexity in your Rules file for a few extra Items and Design Pattern: Expire Binding Based Timers coupled with Design Pattern: Associated Items.
Group:Switch DoorTimers
Contact Door1 (Door) ...
Switch Door1_Timer (DoorTimers) { expire="2m,command=OFF" }
Then your Rule greatly simplifies to:
rule "Fenster check"
Item Door1 changed or
Item Door2 changed or
val timerItem = DoorTimers.members.findFirst[ door | door.name == triggeringItem.name +"_Timer" ]
if(triggeringItem.state == CLOSED) timerItem.postUpdate(OFF) // cancel timer
else timerItem.sendCommand(ON) // set the timer
rule "Fenster timer"
Item Door1_Timer received command OFF or
Item Door2_Timer received command OFF or
if(Temperature_outside.state <= 5) {
logInfo("Rules", "Fenster " + triggeringItem.name.replace("_Timer", "") + " 10 Min. offen")
else if(Temperature_outside.state > 5 && Temperature_outside.state < 15) {
logInfo("Rules", "Fenster " + triggeringItem.name.replace("_Timer", "") + " 30 Min. offen")
No more maps, no more lambdas, no more sleeps, no more timers, half as many lines of code, and fewer levels of indentation. I think it is a fair trade for n more Items to implement the timers.