Design Pattern: Associated Items

Edit: Updates for OH 4

Please see Design Pattern: What is a Design Pattern and How Do I Use Them for how to read and use DPs.

Problem Statement

Often one will have a number of separate Items which are all related to each other in some way. For example, one might have a Contact on a door and a DateTime to represent when the last time the door was opened. This is easy enough to keep track of if there are only one or two such Items, but if one has a lot of similar Items or is using a lot of generically coded rules where one cannot hard code the names of the associated Items inside the rule mapping between the Items becomes difficult.

There are three approaches presented here to access an associated Item given another associated Item: Semantic Model, Group Membership, Similar Item Naming.

Semantic Model

If it makes sense, put the associated Items into the same Equipment in the semantic model. Then using the semantic model rule actions you can navigate the model to access the other Items that are in the same equipment. Once you have the Equipment, you can use the Item name, type, or tags to get at the associated Item.

For example, I add a “Status” Switch Item to many of my Equipment Groups to indicate whether or not a given Equipment is online/offline. I have a rule that detects when a sensor that should report periodically and stops reporting which calls another rule to when the sensor stops responding (see Threshold Alert and Open Reminder [;]). This called rule uses the Semantic Model to access the status Item given the sensor Item.


As of this writing, the semantic actions are not available in Blockly. You can use the JS Scripting approach below using the “inline script” block or use one of the other approaches below.

JS Scripting

Once you have the parent Equipment, you can search it’s members or use other information contained in the Equipment Item to find the Item you are after.

To get the parent Equipment Item:

var equipment = actions.Semantics.getEquipment(items[event.itemName]);
Approach Example
Equipment Name items['_Status'];
Item Type equipment.members.find( i => i.type = 'Switch' );
Item Tag equipment.members.find( i => i.tags.includes('Status') );
Item Tags equipment.members.find( i => ['Status', 'Power'].every(tag => i.tags.includes(tag) );
Multiple Criteria equipment.members.find( i => i.tags.includes('Status') &&'_Status') && i.type == 'Switch' );

In the example bleow I use the Item name to find the Status Item. The Status Item always follows the format of “Equipment_Item_Name_Status” so given the name of the Equipment Item I can create the name of the Status Item.

// Import alerting from my personal library, see the Separation of Behaviors DP
var {alerting} = require('rlk_personal');
var logger = log('Sensor Alert');

// Get the Equipment Item the sensor Item belongs to
var equipment = actions.Semantics.getEquipment(items[alertItem]);
// Get the status Item by appending "_Status" to the Equipment Item's name
var statusItem = items['_Status'];

if(isAlerting && statusItem.state != 'OFF') {
  alerting.sendAlert('Offline: ' + equipment.label + ' has stopped reporting', logger);
else if(!isAlerting && statusItem.state != 'ON') {
  alerting.sendAlert('Online: ' + equipment.label + ' is back', logger);
else {'Sensor status update alerting ' + isAlerting + ' initial ' + isInitialAlert + ' equipment ' + equipment.label + ' status ' + statusItem.state);

Group Membership

If you are not using the semantic model you can still use Group membership and various criteria to access an associated Item. This approach requires the rule to hard code the parent Group into the rule to search for.


The above gets the member of the Group Sensors whose name is the name of the triggering Item with “_Status” appended to it. Note there is no error checking for the case where such Item doesn’t exist. Replace the condition blocks plugged into the “if” to use other criteria (e.g. tags, metadata, etc.).

JS Scripting

Approach Example
Item Name items.Sensors.members.find(i => = event.itemName + '_Status');
Item Tag items.Sensors.members.find( i => i.tags.includes('Status') );
Item Tags items.Sensors.members.find( i => ['Status', 'Power'].every(tag => i.tags.includes(tag) );
Multiple Criteria items.Sensors.members.find( i => i.tags.includes('Status') &&'_Status') && i.type == 'Switch' );

Item Names

Name Items that are associated with each other such that given the name of one Item, the names of the other Items can be created with just a little bit of String manipulation. With the associated Item’s name, one can get a reference to that Item by pulling it out of a Group’s members using the find method described above (best for Rules DSL) or one can pull it out of the Item registry directly (best for all other languages).



The “get substring” and “replace” blocks can be useful here as well.

JS Scripting




Rules DSL

import org.openhab.core.model.script.ScriptServiceUtil // import access to the item registry

    postUpdate(triggeringItemName+'_Status', ON)
    val currState = ScriptServiceUtil.getItemRegistry.getItem(triggeringItemName+'_Status').state

Related Design Patterns

Design Pattern How It’s Used
[Rules DSL] Get item from string name! Source for the Item Registry Example
Design Pattern: Unbound Item (aka Virtual Item) Most associated Items are Unbound Items
Design Pattern: Working with Groups in Rules More examples of findFirst and forEach and other Group manipulations
Design Patterns: Generic Is Alive The Group findFirst example is a specific implementation of this DP
Design Pattern: Motion Sensor Timer The anti-flapping timer in the Group findFirst example is a specific implementation of this DP
Design Pattern: Human Readable Names in Messages Used in the Group findFirst example to transform the Item name to a more human readable name for logs and alerts.
Design Pattern: Separation of Behaviors Alerting implementation in Group findFirst and the setting of vIsCloudy in the Item Registry example
Design Pattern: Simple State Machine (e.g. Time Of Day) Used to calculate the time of day in the Item Registry example
Design Pattern: Using Item Metadata as an Alternative to Several DPs Alternative approach using metadata.

Edit: added JSR223 Python examples, minor grammar updates, created a picture.


Nice! I did not know that’s possible… or at least I didn’t know how. That would totally simplify one workaround I have in my setup. Thanks

I wasn’t aware of this item.lastUpdate, is that an OH2 only thing?

It’s been around as long as I’ve been using OH so at least since 1.6. It’s one of the standard persistence methods on all Items along with maxSince, minSince, previousState, etc. See the “Persistence Extensions in Scripts and Rules” section of the [Persistence wiki page](Persistence Extensions in Scripts and Rules).

If you don’t have persistence setup for the Item it returns null though.

Great - learning every day! Thanks @rlkoshak. Does it work with any persistence, i.e. MapDB, or just historical based stuff like InfluxDB?

It works for any queryable persistence so MapDB yes as well as InfuxDB et al but not with write only persistence services like MQTT or my.openhab.

I primarily use lastUpdate with MapDB myself.

Great stuff - thanks again, and thanks for your very useful tutorials on rule design patterns. I am sure many are gaining a lot of value from these.

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Thank you for your very helpful post about associated items!
I am now trying to create a generic rule that works for any room in the house but I have one problem:
I want to use a Timer in that rule. You showed how to get an Item by name that had been defined in an Items file before (ie DateTime). But I cannot define a Timer in an Items file nor is it possible to add a Timer to a group programmatically (?).
I do not want to use a single hard coded timer variable that is shared between all rooms because it might be the case that multiple timers are active at the same time.
Any suggestions how I could solve this?

That is correct.

Create a hashMap of Timers using the Item name as the key.

import java.util.Map

val Map<String, Timer> timers = newHashMap

rule "Rule that creates some Timers"
    Item MyGroup received update // or whatever
    val i = blah blah blah // what ever you do to get the Item

    val Timer t = timers.get(
    if(t == null) {
        timers.put(, createTimer(now.plusMinutes(1), [|
            // do timer stuff
            timers.put(, null)
    else {
1 Like

I’m currently struggling with a rule. The rule needs to be triggered by any item in a specific group. So the trigger is similar as in your example.

However, in your example, the rule processes all items in that group. I would like my rule only to do stuff with the single item that was triggered.

So how do I identify the item (in group gDoors in your example) that triggered the rule?


I may have found a solution, not sure if it is “best practice”, but initial tests seem to point out it is reliable.

    Item gRaamcontact received update
	val LastWindowContact = gRaamcontact.members.sortBy[lastUpdate].last
	logInfo("Window","Last contact =" + LastWindowContact)

I’m not sure if it is always reliable when 2 contacts are changed at the same time…


It’s worth looking further in the Tutorials & Example forum section

Depending on the speed of your persistence you man need to add a sleep before the sortby.

It isn’t a best practice so much as the only way to do it in this case. The alternative is one rule per switch which each call a lambda.

Thank you both.

I thought I had read all the rule-tutorials by now, I guess I missed that one.

@rlkoshak: So far I didn’t had any persistence-issues. I guess my mapDB is fast enough. I just added a small sleep just to be sure (100ms). I didn’t want to make it too big, because then the chance of two contacts being changed at the same time will increase.

I’ve been working through a few of the Design Pattern articles - they’re helping me get a better understanding of Openhab2. Thank-you for taking the time to write them up.

I have been trying to add the LastUpdate feature to my setup, using this as a guide. I think I’m nearly there, but I get an error at the assocDT.postUpdate(new DateTimeType(door.lastUpdate)) stage;
This gives the output (full detail further below)

2017-07-02 18:40:24.019 [ERROR] [.script.engine.ScriptExecutionThread] - Rule 'A Door's State Changed': Could not invoke constructor: org.eclipse.smarthome.core.library.types.DateTimeType.DateTimeType(java.lang.String)

The code I am using is very similar to the original post in this article (and the associated one on persistence), with a few log lines for debugging and a temporary workaround for Groups following a recent OH update: Groups seem to be broken

2017-07-02 18:32:47.040 [INFO ] [rthome.model.script.associated items] - Door state change rule started
2017-07-02 18:32:47.190 [INFO ] [rthome.model.script.associated items] - dtStr = testDoor_LastUpdate
2017-07-02 18:32:47.215 [INFO ] [rthome.model.script.associated items] - assocDT = testDoor_LastUpdate (Type=DateTimeItem, State=NULL, Label=test Door Last Update, Category=clock, Groups=[gDoorsLastUpdate])
2017-07-02 18:32:47.279 [INFO ] [rthome.model.script.associated items] - door.lastUpdate = 2017-07-02T18:32:46.000+01:00
2017-07-02 18:32:47.330 [ERROR] [.script.engine.ScriptExecutionThread] - Rule 'A Door's State Changed': Could not invoke constructor: org.eclipse.smarthome.core.library.types.DateTimeType.DateTimeType(java.lang.String)

Key snippets below - wondering if anyone can suggest how to fix?;

From .rules


val logName = "associated items"

rule "A Door's State Changed"
    Item gDoors received update // NOTE: the rule will trigger multiple times per event
        logInfo(logName, "Door state change rule started")
        gDoors.members.forEach[door |
        // Get the associated DateTime Item
        val dtStr = + "_LastUpdate"
        val assocDT = gDoorsLastUpdate.members.filter[dt| == dtStr].head as DateTimeItem
        logInfo(logName, "dtStr = " + dtStr)
        logInfo(logName, "assocDT = " + assocDT )
        logInfo(logName, "door.lastUpdate = "+ door.lastUpdate)

        // Update assocDT with the door's lastUpdate
        assocDT.postUpdate(new DateTimeType(door.lastUpdate))


from .items


Group:Contact  gDoors                           // temporary workaround following recent OH update:
Group gDoorsLastUpdate

Contact  testDoor               "test Door"                             <frontdoor>     (gDoors,GarageDoorGroup,gHistory,gNewDoorGroup)   {mqtt="<[mysensorsMQTT:mysensors/in/100/2/1/0/16:state:MAP(]"}
DateTime testDoor_LastUpdate    "test Door Last Update [%1$tm/%1$td %1tH:%1tM]" <clock> (gDoorsLastUpdate)

This gives the output:

2017-07-02 18:40:23.807 [INFO ] [rthome.model.script.associated items] - Door state change rule started
2017-07-02 18:40:23.952 [INFO ] [rthome.model.script.associated items] - dtStr = testDoor_LastUpdate
2017-07-02 18:40:23.970 [INFO ] [rthome.model.script.associated items] - assocDT = testDoor_LastUpdate (Type=DateTimeItem, State=NULL, Label=test Door Last Update, Category=clock, Groups=[gDoorsLastUpdate])
2017-07-02 18:40:23.996 [INFO ] [rthome.model.script.associated items] - door.lastUpdate = 2017-07-02T18:40:23.000+01:00
2017-07-02 18:40:24.019 [ERROR] [.script.engine.ScriptExecutionThread] - Rule 'A Door's State Changed': Could not invoke constructor: org.eclipse.smarthome.core.library.types.DateTimeType.DateTimeType(java.lang.String)

To be honest I understand enough of the syntax for the assocDT.postUpdate to work out what’s causing the error.

Any ideas on how to fix, or dig deeper into the logs?



lastUpdate returns a Joda DateTime object. You can not update a DateTimeItem with a Joda DateTime object. You either need to create a new DateTimeType using the last update.millis or you can try using door.lastUpdate.toString in your call to postUpdate. I think the default toString is the right format for OH to parse it into a DateTimeType.

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Thanks the .toString seems to be working

Recently I wondered what more goodies OH had in store to surprise me with.
I think you just showed one. This is totally useful and will apply on many things other than just door updates. Thanks

Great article.

Could you advise how your design proposal could work if I need to use pairs of objects. Like temperature measuring (room_temp) and target temperature (room_target_temp)? if I have 8 rooms, I would like to have a rule iterating every room and comparing corresponding room temperature with target temperature.


Just like you describe. Just make sure you can name the Items in such a way that you can easily reconstruct the name of the associated Items using the name of the Item you are iterating over.

So, if you have a Bedroom_Temp name the associated Item Bedroom_Temp_Target and your loop would look something like:

Rooms.members.forEach[room |
    val target = TargetTemps.members.findFirst[room | == + "_Target"]

Thank you, Rich, makes perfect sense! as I understand in two loops the name variable “room” should not duplicate, so updated:

Rooms.members.forEach[room |
val target = TargetTemps.members.findFirst[r | == + “_Target”]