Yes. Create an unbound item and a rule that triggers when your door/window sensor changes to populate the unbound item.
And here is the code I use to achieve this (note, this rule does a lot of other stuff, the part you care about is the first four lines of actual code (i.e. skip the comments)):
rule "Keep track of the last time a door was opened or closed"
Item vGarageOpener1 changed from CLOSED to OPEN or
Item vGarageOpener1 changed from OPEN to CLOSED or
Item vGarageOpener2 changed from CLOSED to OPEN or
Item vGarageOpener2 changed from OPEN to CLOSED or
Item vFrontDoor changed from CLOSED to OPEN or
Item vFrontDoor changed from OPEN to CLOSED or
Item vBackDoor changed from CLOSED to OPEN or
Item vBackDoor changed from OPEN to CLOSED or
Item vGarageDoor changed from CLOSED to OPEN or
Item vGarageDoor changed from OPEN to CLOSED
// Get the most recently changed sensor which we will assume is the sensor that triggered the rule
Thread::sleep(100) // give persistence a change to catch up
val door = gDoorSensors.members.filter[s|s.lastUpdate("mapdb") != null].sortBy[lastUpdate("mapdb")].last as ContactItem
// Update LastUpdate Item
val last = gDoorsLast.members.filter[dt | =="_LastUpdate"].head as DateTimeItem
last.postUpdate(new DateTimeType)
// Set/Cancel the Timer for the warning when the door remains open for more than an hour
if(door.state == OPEN) sendCommand("_Timer", "ON")
else postUpdate("_Timer", "OFF")
// Log and alert immediately if no-one is home
val StringBuilder msg = new StringBuilder
val doorName = transform("MAP", "",
msg.append(" was")
msg.append(if(door.state == OPEN) " opened" else " closed")
var alert = false
if(vTimeOfDay.state.toString == "NIGHT" || vTimeOfDay.state.toString == "BED"){
alert = true
msg.append(" and it is night")
if(vPresent.state == OFF) {
alert = true
msg.append(" and no one is home")
logInfo(logName, msg.toString)