Help with better HVAC rule design

The full writeup is Design Pattern: Associated Items.

The tl;dr is you need to name the Items such that you can construct the name of an associated Item using the name of the Item you have. This may require some String manipulation, usually a split("_"). With the name, you can pull the Item out of a Group using a filter or find first. So it would look something like:

Basement_Rooms.members.forEach[ room |
    var setpoint = HVAC_Items.members.findFirst["_Tstat_HeatSetPoint" ] as NumberItem
    var temp= HVAC_Items.members.findFirst[ +"_Tstat_Temperature" ] as NumberItem
    var damper = HVAC_Items.members.findFrist["_Damper" ] as SwitchItem
    damper.sendCommand(if(setpoint.state > temp.state) ON else OFF)