The following postings might be useful to you:
So the “proper” way to do what you want is to use a Group as illustrated by opus.
If you want to use a variable to construct a name, which has its uses, you have a couple of choices depending on what you want to do. If you only need to postUpdate or sendCommand you can do something like:
for(var i=1; i<4; i=i+1)
postUpdate("Item_"+i, something.toString)
Note: I’m not 100% positive ++ works in the Rules DSL so I used i+1. Also, the postUpdate/sendCommand Actions require the new state to be passed as a String so if something isn’t already a String you need to call toString. Generally, if you are constructing a for loop like this, you should be using a Group anyway so this example is a bit contrived but should be illustrative.
The second one is useful if you need to get at the Item’s state, historical data, etc. In this case, you need a handle on the Item’s object which you can pull from a Group the Item is a member of. If we have a Group called gGroup which all your Items are members of then:
val myItem = gGroup.members.filter[i|"Item_"+someVar].head
if(myItem.state == OFF) ...