YAGSA - Yet Another Group Structure Approach

Very interesting post, and I must say, a well though through concept!

As many others, I guess, I have spent some time myself on coming up with a naming convention, but in my case only for items so far. Next on my list was groups, but I think I will pick-and-choose from this thread, :slight_smile:

The naming convention that I am using for items across my system - and that have not broken down so far - is as follows:


    Living room, outside, etc.

    Door, lamp, etc.

    a   - actuator (connected to a binding); both postUpdate and sendCommand are relevant.
    s   - sensor (connected to a binding); only postUpdate is relevant.
    t   - timer (connected to 'expire'-binding); is this needed/meaningful?
    v   - virtual (not connected to a binding; only modified by rules or UI); both postUpdate and sendCommand are relevant.

    Temperature, humidity, power, etc.    

    Last update, last change, etc.

Where, what, property and attribute are all "upper camel case" (ex. ThisIsAnExample). 

The “attribute” part is basically the same as described here: Design Pattern: Associated Items

Here are some examples:



When it comes to groups, what I have considered so far is that I want to be able to describe my system in “three models”:

  1. Device-centric (i.e. things. This is mostly for debugging/maintenance)
  2. Location-centric (i.e. floors, rooms, garden, etc.)
  3. Function-centric (i.e. heating, lighting, etc.)

This matches very well what the original post describes.