I think the only changes needed for OH 2 is removal of all the imports. Everything else looks OK from an OH 2 perspective.
Applying some of the concepts here and here I think the logic above can be made a little simpler.
First add all the current Items to a Group, I’ll call it gAlarm.
var Timer timerPERSON1Wecker = null
rule "Wecker PERSON1"
Time cron "0 0/1 * * * ?" // note, one could use an external event to trigger the rule if the alarm is implemented elsewhere (e.g. Tasker)
val person = "PERSON1_WECKER_"
var dayName= "NA"
switch now.getDayOfWeek{
case 1: dayName = "MO"
case 2: dayName = "DI"
case 3: dayName= "MI"
case 4: dayName= "DO"
case 5: dayName= "FR"
case 6: dayName= "SA"
case 7: dayName= "SO"
val person1On = gAlarm.members.filter[s | s.name == person+dayName].head.state
if(person1On == ON){
var sollMinute = (gAlarm.members.filter[s | s.name == person+day+"_M"].head.state as Number).intValue
var sollStunde = (gAlarm.members.filter[s | s.name == person+day+"_H"].head.state as Number).intValue
var runTime = (gAlarm.members.filter[s | s.name == person+day+"_RUN"].head.state as Number).intValue
if(sollMinute == now.getMinuteOfHour && sollStunde == now.getHourOfDay) {
sendCommand(person+"_AKTIV", ON)
// do stuff
timerPERSON1Wecker = createTimer(now.plusMinutes(runTime), [|
// do stuff
sendCommand(person+"_AKTIV", OFF)
timerPERSON1Wecker = null
I also beleive this is a perfect place to use lambdas so you don’t have to copy and paste the rule above over and over for each person. I would go about it as follows:
import org.eclipse.xtext.xbase.lib.Functions
import java.util.Map
val Map<String, Timer> timers = newHashMap
val Functions$Function3 <String, Map<String, Timer>, Functions$Function0, Functions$Function0, Boolean> processAlarm =
[person, timers, alarmStart, alarmStop |
var dayName= "NA"
switch now.getDayOfWeek{
case 1: dayName = "MO"
case 2: dayName = "DI"
case 3: dayName= "MI"
case 4: dayName= "DO"
case 5: dayName= "FR"
case 6: dayName= "SA"
case 7: dayName= "SO"
val person1On = gAlarm.members.filter[s | s.name == person+dayName].head.state
if(person1On == ON){
var sollMinute = (gAlarm.members.filter[s | s.name == person+day+"_M"].head.state as Number).intValue
var sollStunde = (gAlarm.members.filter[s | s.name == person+day+"_H"].head.state as Number).intValue
var runTime = (gAlarm.members.filter[s | s.name == person+day+"_RUN"].head.state as Number).intValue
if(sollMinute == now.getMinuteOfHour && sollStunde == now.getHourOfDay) {
sendCommand(person+"_AKTIV", ON)
// alarmStart is a passed in lambda that implements the stuff to do for that person's alarm
timers.put<person, createTimer(now.plusMinutes(runTime), [|
// alarmStop is a passed in lambda that implements the stuff to do at the end of that person's alarm
sendCommand(person+"_AKTIV", OFF)
timers.put(person, null)
rule "Weckers"
Time cron "0 0/1 * * * ?"
val Functions$Function0 <Boolean> person1Start = [|
// alarm start code
val Functions$Function0 <Boolean> person1Stop = [|
// alarm stop code
// define functions for each person, if there is nothing to do for that person you can use [| true]
// as illustrated with person2 below.
processAlarm.apply("PERSON1", timers, person1Start, person1Stop)
processAlarm.apply("PERSON2", timers, [| true], [| true]) // PERSON2 has nothing to do when the alarm starts and ends so we pass empty lambdas
- The above is OH 2 code. I think it will work for OH 1 as written but you may need one or more imports.
- I just typed this in, on my phone. It likely contains some errors but it should be pretty close to right.