(Rich Koshak)
July 6, 2017, 4:21pm
Use 0.8. There are massive issues with 0.9 which makes it almost unusable.
It is a separate program. Unzip it to its own folder. See:
Edit: Updates for OH 4, inclusion of JS Scripting and Blockly examples, removed the doors example as it’s superfluous.
Please see Design Pattern: What is a Design Pattern and How Do I Use Them for how to read and use DPs.
Problem Statement
One powerful way to consolidate code in rules is to use array/list manipulation operations on the members of a Group. For example, filter down to just those members that are ON, get a list of the labels of those Items that are NULL, etc.
Please see Design Pattern: What is a Design Pattern and How Do I Use Them for how to read and use DPs.
Problem Statement
Often one will have a number of separate Items which are all related to each other in some way. For example, one might have a Contact on a door and a DateTime to represent when the last time the door was opened. This is easy enough to keep track of if there are only one or two such Items, but if one has a lot of similar Items or is using a lot of generically coded rules where…
At a high level, put your Items in Groups, use similarly named Item names, and then loop through the Group of Temp sensor Items, pull out its associated time_since Item from the time_since Group and postUpdate the minutes.
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