Whole house lighting

I second this.

Though my advice isn’t worth much here. I have a grand total of three lamps controlled (have no need for more at this time).

However, I have comment on the logic/programming/rules side of things.

  1. You will want to get very comfortable with Groups and [State Machines(A State Machine Primer with HABlladin, the openHAB Genie). A state machine is just a fancy way to think about and code a bunch of “if this then that” rules to control your house.

  2. Think about your lighting as state transitions. You can put everything into a table if it is easier for you. For example:

State/Event         Group 1        Group 2        Group 3
Morning             25% / blue     OFF            100% - Warm White
Day + Someone Home  OFF            OFF            50% - Warm White
Day + No one Home   OFF            OFF            OFF

Once you have your “scenes” configured it is a simple matter of setting up a rule that triggers when ever the events on the left occur, calculates which State your house is in, and then issues the proper commands to the members of the Groups.

Note that you can have as many Groups as you need and a Light can be a member of multiple Groups. However, if a Light is a member of multiple Groups you need to be careful of your states and figuring out which one takes precedence.

I also found it handy to use a Time of Day state machine to drive stuff that needs to change based on the time of day.

So for example, I’d have a Switch which gets turned ON when the weather says it is cloudy and a Rule that gets triggered when the Time of Day changes. Note: my rule actual rule looks difference from this as I’m doing some tricks with Groups.

rule "Lighting scene change"
    Item TimeOfDay changed or
    Item Weather_Cloudy changed

    switch TimeOfDay {
        case "MORNING": {
            gMorningLightsON.members.filter[l|l.state != ON].forEach[l| l.sendCommand(ON)]
            gMorningLightsOFF.members.filter[l|l.state != OFF].forEach[l| l.sendCommand(OFF)]
        case "DAY": {
            gDayLightsON.members.filter[l|l.state != ON].forEach[l | l.sendCommand(ON)]
            gDayLightsOFF.members.filter[l|l.state != OFF].forEach[l | l.sendCommand(OFF)]
            if(Weather_Cloudy.state == ON) gWeatherLightsON.members.filter[l|l.state != ON].forEach[l|l.sendCommand(ON)]
            else gWeatherLightsON.members.filter[l.state != OFF].forEach[l | l.sendCommand(OFF)]
        case ...


Obviously there is a lot that can be done to simplify the above even further with a lambda or Associated Items but I think this illustrates the main thrust of a State Machine of this type. For illustrative purposes my actual rule looks like:

val logName = "lights"

rule "Set lights based on Time of Day"
  Item vTimeOfDay changed or
  Item Weather_Cloudy changed
  val offGroupName = "gLights_OFF_"+vTimeOfDay.state.toString
  val onGroupName = "gLights_ON_"+vTimeOfDay.state.toString

  logInfo(logName, "Turning off lights in " + offGroupName)
  val GroupItem offItems = gLights_OFF.members.filter[g|g.name == offGroupName].head as GroupItem
  offItems.members.filter[l|l.state != OFF].forEach[l | l.sendCommand(OFF)

  logInfo(logName, "Turning on lights for " + onGroupName)
  val GroupItem onItems = gLights_ON.members.filter[g|g.name == onGroupName].head as GroupItem
  onItems.members.filter[l|l.state != ON].forEach[l | l.sendCommand(ON)

  if(vTimeOfDay.state == "DAY"){
    if(Weather_Cloudy.state == ON) gLights_Weather_ON.members.filter[l | l.state != ON].forEach[l | l.sendCommand(ON)]
    else gLights_Weather_ON.members.filter[l|l.state != OFF].forEach[l| l.sendCommand(OFF)]

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