Problem with manipulating a string for a rule

Okay, spent some time on this.

You have a group of Items Termostat_xxx_Ist, each of which has a counterpart Termostat_xxx_Soll

You want to produce some text for this set like
" xxx ist-label : 12.00 °C | xxx soll-label : 18.00 °C
yyy ist-label : 15.00 °C | yyy soll-label : 16.00 °C"

Let’s not mess with placeholder text, just do it directly using method from here
Design Pattern: Associated Items.

   // make a stringy object val that we can still append to
val StringBuilder myMessage = new StringBuilder
   // iterate through "Ist" Items
allTermostatIst.members.forEach[ist |
      // add label text
    myMessage.append(ist.label + " : ")
      // add state
   myMessage.append(ist.state.toString + " | ")
      // work out partner Item name
   val sollName ="_Ist", "_Soll")
      // get partner Item from its group
   val soll = allTermostatSoll.members.findFirst[ a | == sollName]
   if (soll === null) {
         // surprise
      myMessage.append("Missing Soll Item " + sollname)
   } else {
         // now do soll label and value
      myMessage.append(soll.label + " : ")
      myMessage.append(soll.state.toString + "/n")
   // all done