[SOLVED] Can't set NEST structure away in OH2.3

Automatic discovery of Things. Ability to manage and modify the binding, Things, and Items in PaperUI/Karaf/REST API. If there are any changes made to the Nest API or improvements to be made, those changes are more likely to be made on the 2.x version binding. The 2.x version binding also supports units.

In answer to your first question, the Action should only be used when you don’t hard code the Item name but instead construct the name of the Item you want to sendCommand or postUpdate. This is particularly useful when doing things like Design Pattern: Associated Items.

It is important to realize that the Nest 1.x binding (the one that uses the { nest=“…” }) is a completely separate binding from the Nest 2.x binding which uses Things and autodiscovery and such. They are installed separately, have completely different syntax and patterns of use.

Does it still put that randomly named file in ~openhab/.java with the secret and uid? Most people don’t have to worry about that but it is important for those of us running in Docker.