I bought new xiaomi gateway 2 which has lots of hole on the top of product.
And I wanna use this at Smartthings and Homeassistant.
In order to use this gateway, I heard the port of gateway should be opened.
So I searched many information.
As a result, using solder is the best way to open port.
I use scotch tape instead of soldering. And connected to gateway through Putty.
I put the command ‘psm-set network.open_pf 3’ and I confirmed ‘network.open_pf=3’ with ‘psm-get network.open_pf’.
But when I check the port state through nmap command ‘nmap -sU 192.168.0.xx -p 9898’
The answer is ‘9898/udp closed’.
So anyone know how to open the port by force??
- someone told the port opening issues are concerned with the version, but some guy opened port with newest software version.
Did I something wrong?
please save me