I’m getting quite frustrated due to a specific OID which just doesn’t seem to work in OH.
I’m using this item:
String Test "Status [%s]" { snmp="<[]" }
Which should retrieve a printer error state from an HP printer. If I test in “iReasoning MIB Browser”, then I get a OctetString back with the status.
Running it in OH, results in:
2018-10-17 22:52:23.265 [DEBUG] [ab.binding.snmp.internal.SnmpBinding] - SNMP: Send PDU GET[requestID=0, errorStatus=Success(0), errorIndex=0, VBS[ = Null]]
2018-10-17 22:52:23.266 [DEBUG] [ab.binding.snmp.internal.SnmpBinding] - Received PDU from '' 'RESPONSE[requestID=1744328088, errorStatus=No such name(2), errorIndex=1, VBS[ = Null]]'
This happens with a few OID’s, others work fine. Any ideas to why this happens?