Can't open port on pc win10

I try all day to open a port (5007 for openhab) to my pc win 10 latest update x64. I followed the instructions for route, windows firewall(inbound rule and outbound) and Norton but nothing happen. I read in forums that win 10 don’t allow to open ports but only applications.
Is that correct?

what is the use case? why do you need to allow access to port 5007 (TCP?) on your win host running OH2?

If you need OH2 configuration assistance, describe the OH2 case. If you need win firewall assistance: google is your friend

I running openhab in my raspberry . Via network share I edit rules in my pc with visual studio code . In 5007 port LSP working . The problem is that I can’t open in my pc the port . So any suggestions?

port 5007 is listening on the raspberry due to the LSP server
your win pc is a LSP client (via VSCode) to that server
the connection from the win pc is an outbound one
usually you don’t have filters on outbound (but maybe you use some kind of firewall that blocks this… doubt it)

something else maybe wrong. double check your VSCode settings