Can't seem to get basic functionality

I am starting slow and have run into a headache. Here is my home.sitemap file

sitemap home label="Lair of Confusion"
	Frame label="Date" {
		Text item=date

And my home.items file

/* NTP binding item */
DateTime date "Date and Time [%1$tA, %1$td.%1$tm.%1$tY]" <calendar> {ntp="America/Los_Angeles"}

I turned on debug messages and whenever i refresh my openhab browser page i see a couple things that bother me. Firstly I either get one of these two messages

Either this

[DEBUG] [o.u.i.items.ItemUIRegistryImpl] - Cannot retrieve item null for widget org.openhab.model.sitemap.Frame

or this

[DEBUG] [ore.internal.items.ItemUpdater] - Received update for non-existing item: Item 'date' could not be found in the item registry

The message is dependent on exactly how i format my date item. I tried to include the charset and it gives the second one.

Secondly i get this message constantly no matter what i do:

[] - security is disabled - processing aborted!

and have no idea what security it is talking about…

I cant get the date to dispaly, it just shows -,-.-.- where the date should be displayed.

Here is my ntp binding config

################################ NTP Binding ##########################################
# refresh interval in milliseconds (optional, defaults to 900000 [15 minutes])

# the hostname of the timeserver

Hi Aaron,

Maybe try: sitemap default label=“Lair of Confusion”

Here try to change item file to:
DateTime date “Date and Time: [%1$tA, %1$td.%1$tm.%1$tY %1$tT]” { ntp=“America/Los_Angeles:en_US” }

Have you made any changes in the cfg file - part General Configurations or configured your user.cfg file?


Don’t worry about that one, see issue:

I have not made any changes in the cfg file under General Configurations or configured user.cfg. I wasn’t aware that was necessary.

It seems that it is able to acquire the time from NTP once when the openhab runtime starts up, but if i modify the text format and save the items file it goes to being the -,-.-.- format.

First i had this
DateTime date "Date and Time [%1$tA, %1$td.%1$tm.%1$tY]" <calendar> {ntp="America/Los_Angeles:en_US"}

and it got the time on boot and was formatted correctly, then i changed it to this

DateTime date "Date and Time [%1$tT %1$tA, %1$td.%1$tm.%1$tY]" <calendar> {ntp="America/Los_Angeles:en_US"}

and after i saved and refreshed the browser, it went to the weird format of -,-.-.- then i did a sudo service openhab restart and it got the time in the correct format after i refreshed the browser. But it doesn’t seem to be updating the time, it’s stuck at the local time when i restarted the openhab service. is this an issue with the ntp refresh interval?

Why isnt the date item updating when i update the items file and why isnt the ntp service refreshing the time?

I think the issue was the refresh interval. After changing it in the cfg to refresh ntp binding every 10 seconds it seems to update correctly and when i change the format of the time in the items file, it still goes to the -,-.-.- format, but only until the NTP refresh occurs (every 10 seconds).

Is NTP not supposed to be used as a clock widget? Should i be using something else? I don’t want to make unecessary calls to the ntp server when i can just pull time from the raspberry pi instead. Which is more efficient?

I still have not figured out the security is disabled - processing aborted! message

The problem was caused when you amended your item file. Doing so refreshes the items back to uninitialized/null and therefore it didn’t have a value until the NTP refresh occurred.

Are you using my.openhab? Then take a look at the
“Adjusting openHAB security settings to work with my.openHAB”
section of the docs.