Cant write to the backup folder from PC


I had to install reinstall openhabian OH3.
I made a backup for easy come back to where I was.

But I have not the permission to write to the backup folder.

What shall I do to get permission?


How did you try to write to the backup folder ?

  • you always can use user root to write to a local filesystem on linux; but that could to the problem if an other user is expected to own the file
  • check the owner of the directory ( I assume it needs to be owned by openhab ) in case it is owned by root and you try to write to it as user openhab that may not work
  • to give more and better help here you need to provide more details; it is like you give a car to the garrage in case of problems but the garage has the advantage that they have hands on your car for diagnosis; in case of OH you need to provide the details

For anybody else that stumbles on this page:
Assuming you installed via openHABian, this can be fixed from the configuration tool.

  • Log on via SSH to your openHAB server.
  • type: sudo openhabian-config
  • and press return
  • Then choose menu 10 | Apply improvements
  • and then menu 14 | Fix permissions

That’s it. you can now copy via the Samba into the backups directory


God bless you

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Спасибо! Заработало!