Central Repository for HabPanel Wdigets & Configs?

I first noticed HabPanel just before Kai suggested porting it to OH2. At the time I was hugely excited for the potential. I still feel that way.

I haven’t had the chance to followe all these threads closely, so my question is this: Is there a centralized repository of widgets (and possibly configs) for HabPanel? Something living in github or similar?

With such a sizable collection of code, it seems to me that it would be a great idea to have someplace where users could go to find the widget they need for their setup.




That looks like a great idea. Also, it would be great to have access to that repository from the HABPanel - to make downloading custom widgets even easier.

Best regards,

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I had this idea initially, but for now I quite like the link from the custom widget list to https://community.openhab.org/tags/c/apps-services/habpanel/widget (filtered view of threads with the widget tag).

Therefore, as a reminder, if you develop a new widget and want to share it, please add this tag to your thread - and don’t if you’re only asking a question or looking for help :wink:

Also, most of the widgets don’t work out-of-the-box and require some explanation/configuration on the server (bindings, items), and there is also the possibility of having a discussion and commenting.

OH has everything I need and within 6 weeks I do have most of the functions implemented.
What is left is having a nice interface. HABPanel is a great tool but all the threads here and the widget list mentioned above do have the nature of a discussion forum. This is good and showing people working on the same ideas.
For someone who is new to this and may be like me having only basic knowledge in HTML/CSS/JS programming, these threads can be confusing where you do not know if you have to read until the very end before you know which elements you need to adopt the solution.

In my very personal view I would prefer a more visual approach to the repository like the Wordpress Plugin: see here.

May be not the best example but pretty close to what I am expecting:

Screenshot - browsing through a repository with screenshots is pretty convinient for a visual guy like me
Installation - describing how to install this if more complex like a HABpanel Theme
Parameters - how can the item be customized

The repository may not include the code itself rather than providing a link to github or other placey where the files are stored.

Again - OH is amazing tool and I see a lot of really great ideas here. Getting a more visual repository in place could help beginners a lot.

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