Chamberlain MyQ Binding

  1. Force remove all your MyQ related Things.
  2. Remove the binding from the binding menu if you used paperui to install binding otherwise skip.
  3. Stop OH2.
    4 Clear cache by deleting the files and folders under tmp and cache.
  4. Place the new 2.5SS jar in to the addon folders.
  5. Restart OH2.
  6. Manually Add your gateway
  7. Do a search and all your lights and garage openers should be detected.

Your gateway has a new ThingID. Update your items files respectively with it.

JT, that is not really great. I know every time I’ve cleared the cache my system never comes back again. Including this time, which fortunately I’m running VM and can revert to a prior snapshot. Once I clear the cache it’s like a festival of missing stuff that starts complaining in the logs.



What is the location of the addons folder on an Ubuntu system? /usr/share/openhab2/addons doesn’t have any jar files.

Has anyone managed to get this working again? If so, what version of Openhab and what version of the binding worked?


It’s working for me.

I’m running the following:

  • openHAB snapshot build 1502
  • MyQ binding version (from this post above)

I deleted (Force Removed) all my existing MyQ things (Gateway and Garage Door), then readded them.

One odd thing I noticed… It added 2 Garage Door things to the inbox yet I have only one opener…


I removed the 1.13 MyQ binding through my addons.cfg, stopped openhab 2.4, added the new 1.14 snapshot jar to the addons folder, and started up openhab back up. It worked for me after that. I still need to test the 2.5 snapshot some more. With all the github repo changes it is very hard to get 2.x building at the moment.



Only manually installed jar files will be installed here, addons installed through paperui are in another location

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Using the 2.5 SS jar here.
For the most part it’s working. It even got rid of that URL error that used to come up.

The only problem I have right now is periodically my light switches will all switch from ONLINE and OFFLINE and back again. I’m not sure if this is because of the binding or because of Chamberlain’s crap infrastructure and the binding is losing connection with it.

I’ll report back if I have any problems.

Cleaned cache and tmp directories. When I deleted the directories, openhab would not come up. I had to make sure that the cache and tmp directories existed and empty.
Works now. No more cookie errors also. Thank you.

Worked Solidly for one day.

Then I’m getting this error again. Lights status not reporting correctly. I can’t tell if it’s problem with the binding or their servers tho.

2019-03-01 18:44:14.309 [ERROR] [handler.ChamberlainMyQGatewayHandler] - Requesting URL Failed java.util.concurrent.ExecutionException: HttpConnectionOverHTTP@1808f7e(l:/ <->,closed=false)[HttpChannelOverHTTP@19d82d8(exchange=HttpExchange@118fb13 req=TERMINATED/null@null res=PENDING/null@null)[send=HttpSenderOverHTTP@17d9627(req=QUEUED,snd=COMPLETED,failure=null)[HttpGenerator@5f1749{s=START}],recv=HttpReceiverOverHTTP@18dc098(rsp=IDLE,failure=null)[HttpParser{s=CLOSED,0 of -1}]]]

at org.openhab.binding.chamberlainmyq.internal.HttpUtil.executeUrl( [196:org.openhab.binding.chamberlainmyq:]

at org.openhab.binding.chamberlainmyq.handler.ChamberlainMyQGatewayHandler.request( [196:org.openhab.binding.chamberlainmyq:]

at org.openhab.binding.chamberlainmyq.handler.ChamberlainMyQGatewayHandler.executeMyQCommand( [196:org.openhab.binding.chamberlainmyq:]

at org.openhab.binding.chamberlainmyq.handler.ChamberlainMyQLightHandler.setLightState( [196:org.openhab.binding.chamberlainmyq:]

at org.openhab.binding.chamberlainmyq.handler.ChamberlainMyQLightHandler.handleCommand( [196:org.openhab.binding.chamberlainmyq:]

Yes that’s the folder. There are JAR files in there including the 2.3 chamberlain binding.



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Just updated to 1.14.0 snapshot and everything start working back. Thank you!

My logs are all clean finally. I removed this binding. The 2.x version anyway. Should I be going to the 1.14 version and manually configuring the settings in files? I have been unable to get back to the 2.x version by removing the 2.3 version and going to 2.5. If it’s working, cleaning the cache folder system never starts again.



The discovery format changed between openhab 2.3 and 2.4. Binding jar files built with 2.4/2.5 will not work on 2.3. I recommend you update to 2.4.

I’m on 2.4 of Openhab, but when I put in the 2.5 JAR it had a lot of errors in the log above and when I cleared the cache it wouldn’t start again.


Okay, how do we force remove them? I think I know the answer but want to double check.

This way didn’t work for me:


When you hit the delete icon in Paper UI, sometimes the node will not delete. All you do is hit the delete icon again, and you’ll get a dialog asking if you want to force remove the thing.

Wow, that was too easy! And it worked. Logs clean and things work.
The other way might have been more fun.

Would that be hand-editing the jsondb file? If so, I’m not sure I agree with your definition of fun. LOL

Well, as you can see Lord Vader demonstrating the move, yes, a hand is involved. :slight_smile: