You need to create a bridge thing for the user/pass. Mine looks like:
Bridge chamberlainmyq:MyQGateway:Garage "MyQ API Services" [ username="", password="yourpassword"] {
Once you do that, you should see your actual openers show up in your inbox on paperUI. You can create things from there. For some reason I’ve not been able to create the things for the actual doors inside the text configuration. If someone has a working config I’d greatly appreciate that so I can remove the GUI config.
Then just create the items. Mine are configured as:
Switch MyQSingleGarageDoorState "Single Garage Door State" { channel="chamberlainmyq:MyQDoorOpener:Garage:your-device-id:doorstate" }
Rollershutter MyQSingleGarageDoorRollerstate "Single Garage Door Rollerstate" { channel="chamberlainmyq:MyQDoorOpener:Garage:your-device-id:rollerstate" }
String MyQSingleGarageDoorStatus "Single Garage Door Status [%s]" { channel="chamberlainmyq:MyQDoorOpener:Garage:your-device-id:doorstatus" }
Contact MyQSingleGarageDoorOpen "Single Garage Door Open" { channel="chamberlainmyq:MyQDoorOpener:Garage:your-device-id:dooropen" }
Contact MyQSingleGarageDoorClosed "Single Garage Door Closed" { channel="chamberlainmyq:MyQDoorOpener:Garage:your-device-id:doorclosed" }
String MyQSingleGarageDoorName "Single Garage Door Name [%s]" { channel="chamberlainmyq:MyQDoorOpener:Garage:your-device-id:devicename" }