Chamberlain MyQ Binding

Can never thank you enough for maintaining this.
Chamberlain is such a pain in the butt with their surprises.


Also have to drop in a thank you for this. I swapped the jar and life was good again.

So how would you set this up from scratch?

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I manually deleted the old binding and put this one in /var/lib/openhab2/tmp/mvn/org/openhab/addons restarted openhab. The binding is NOT showing up in my inbox in paper UI

Correct, manually installed bindings won’t show up there. You can see the binding running though by following the console steps:

Connect to your server on port 8101, log in is openhab / habopen.

From there type:

bundle:list | grep Q
and you should see this or similar:
266 │ Active │ 80 │ │ openHAB Add-ons :: Bundles :: ChamberlainMyQ Binding

Hope that helps! You can read that link on how to stop and start bundles etc.

Nothing shows up, I don’t see it in bundle:list either

@scooter_seh- maybe a trivial question and you’ve already gone down this path, but I just saw that myQ has an official channel for working out interfaces to other systems (e.g., Google Assistant, Amazon, etc
) linked here. There’s a “Business Inquiry” form on that site that allows you to contact them for information. Maybe with OH becoming an “official” partner, they would prevent (or at least notify in advance) any API changes and keep the interface more stable? I would imagine they’d consider a “no-fee” partnership with a large open-sourced automation system like OH.

Just a thought! Thanks for all the work you’ve done on this binding over the years :slight_smile:


I just updated to 2.5.5 and with the newest jar it seems to be working for me. Thank you!

Where to get the latest 2.5.5 Jar?

Hey Scott, I tried to set up the Binding Things in thing files instead of Paper UI but I was not able to get it to work. I think it has to with the instance fields in being set to private instead of public. I think the only one that needs to be exposed is serial number but I’m not sure.

Is being able to create the Thing from a file explicitly blocked? Or am I doing this the wrong way?

On openhabian i put downloaded addon jar files in /usr/share/openhab2/addons
I configure everything on PaperUI and can see all these beta bindings under bindings also.

Everything has been humming along smoothly now for the past month or so, suddenly started failing today with null Gateway errors:

2020-06-23 22:47:13.504 [ERROR] [handler.ChamberlainMyQGatewayHandler] - An exception occurred while executing a request to the Gateway: ‘null’

2020-06-23 22:48:13.466 [ERROR] [handler.ChamberlainMyQGatewayHandler] - Requesting URL Failed java.util.concurrent.ExecutionException: org.eclipse.jetty.client.HttpResponseException: HTTP protocol violation: Authentication challenge without WWW-Authenticate header

Anyone else seeing problems?

Also @scooter_seh - is this codebase on GIT anywhere? I’m a versed java guy and am always happy to climb inside to fix items when needed.


System update and removing/re-adding gateway resolved it, rather flaky at times.

Yes, been getting them for a few months now. Everything is fine on a clean startup but after a while I start getting those error also. From what I can tell, everything is still working.

Best, Jay

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Mine stopped working yesterday as well. I tried adding the changes the HASS guys added earlier this month and it caused all the HTTP calls to stop working. I reverted everything and just recompiled the binding and installed it on my server with the current code and it started working again. I don’t really know what is going on. I personally am working on a DIY hardware solution so I can have a more reliable solution(I hope).

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I don’t want to misrepresent the openHAB project or Foundation so I have not made a “Business Inquiry”.

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Thanks @scooter_seh. This is a great solution and you’ve done so much work, I just don’t want to seem like a leech and complainer every time there is an issue. I like to fix stuff myself. :slight_smile:

This seems to be the root issue.

2020-06-24 16:04:35.151 [ERROR] [handler.ChamberlainMyQGatewayHandler] - Requesting URL Failed java.util.concurrent.ExecutionException: org.eclipse.jetty.client.HttpResponseException: HTTP protocol violation: Authentication challenge without WWW-Authenticate header
at org.openhab.binding.chamberlainmyq.internal.HttpUtil.executeUrl( ~[?:?]

Best, Jay

copying @Kai for input - Kai - there seems to be an ongoing issue with Chamberlain/MyQ changing their interface every so often, and @scooter_seh working hard to keep up with the changes. I did some research into their API and in my post above presented a potential solution (OH becoming an official/recognized partner for MyQ). What are your thoughts on this? Have we done anything of the sort with other bindings, and does the foundation rules allow for such a “business” partnership?

Hey BK, there’s nothing against such partnerships and the Foundation has done a few in the past (e.g. with the Eclipse Foundation, Azul Systems, EnOcean). We indeed only do “no-fee” partnerships and I’d think we will stick with that.
So if Chamberlain would offer such a no-fee partnership for not-for-profit organisations like ours, we can certainly go for it. As you are a full foundation member, feel free to reach out to them with the “business inquiry” on behalf of the foundation and please keep me in the loop wrt their reply or any follow-up.

I doubt though that a partnership would have any impact on the frequency of API changes on their end. But yes, I would also expect that we would at least be informed upfront in such a case.

Good luck!

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