Chamberlain MyQ Binding

New to openHAB and can’t get the update installed. I used Docker to install openHAB and found the command to get the CLI through docker

docker exec -it openhab /openhab/runtime/bin/client -p habopen

but I can’t get to the path that the update was downloaded to. I assume because docker has a different scope.

How can I get the jar file installed?

If you are using Docker, are you using persisted volume? If not I recommend you start there so when something happens to your container, the volume doesn’t get removed and the data doesn’t get lost. And once you have the persistent volume, you will know the path to that where you can copy the jar file for manual update.

I figured out the persisted volumes and got it updated. I had to manually install the java one also. But it let me log in now.


@digitaldan any luck on the amended jar?

Yeah, i put a fix in which was merged yesterday [myq] Fix for controlling lights by digitaldan · Pull Request #11765 · openhab/openhab-addons · GitHub , latest jar can be found at

let me know how it goes!


Just Tested. So far it’s working great.

For those who want to use it I noticed the JSoup dependency is based on 1.14.
Dump that and the File from from the above links to the add-ons folder.

I know there was an issue at one point with the MyQ API changing - is that all fixed?

One of my garage doors will show open/closed status, but the other will not. Has anyone run into an issue with this in the past?

hey guys, just in the last day or so i have been getting error messages from my garage door. Both the door and the MyQ Account thing are offline. The logs from the account thing are as follows:

Invalid Response Code 400 : { "SecurityToken": "", "ReturnCode": "0", "ErrorMessage": "please contact customer care, supportID: 7589123109729915415", "CorrelationId": "" }

Did chamberlain change something? My openhab and binding version is 3.1.0

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This was fixed about a month ago with a new version of the binding. Chamberlain MyQ Binding - #792 by digitaldan

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For me, my thing “myq account” is stuck at
Could not login with credentials

I deleted the thing and recreated, samething. Tried the credentials at, they work. Could it be because it doesn’t handle well special character in password?

edit: Just found out I had 2 thing named MyQ Account… one of them is online… Don’t know why but disregard this message

@scooter_seh do you by chance have the latest 2.5 jar (with the v5.1 apis). I cant find it anywhere. Im still on OH2 and dont want to upgrade to OH3 due to some legacy bindings that I use and are working really well. I know its not supported, but wanted to give it a try.

I removed all my 2.x source code and jar files, I have updated everything to 3.2.

I am installing this for the first time and I have this error on teh account Thing:


Invalid Response Code 400 : { “SecurityToken”: “”, “ReturnCode”: “0”, “ErrorMessage”: “please contact customer care, supportID: 13183020583537930500”, “CorrelationId”: “” }

Is this the same binding as what is installed through the normal binding install process or different?

I’m on OH 3.1.0

Thank you for all the support Dan. I had a similar issue. Steps I followed:

  • Uninstall all bindings from console
  • Install new binding from console
  • Install JSoup
  • Activate both bindings
  • Restart OH3

Works great now!

Just checking to see if anyone else has noticed some connection issues with MyQ lately?

Looks like they’ve had some server issues in the last couple weeks but I wonder if they’re also updating the API.

Yup, definitely seen some connection bumps lately. Nothing that has interrupted any functionality but they show up in the logs. I assumed MyQ might be pushing patches or having some issue they’re trying to remediate.

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Anyone having issues with this binding or is it just me? The bridge is Online and all devices are online but commands from OpenHAB to raise/lower the door don’t seem to work. It doesn’t throw any error and looks like it’s working, but the door doesn’t raise or lower.

I just tested mine and they are working fine but I’m running a snapshot binding (org.openhab.binding.myq-3.4.0-SNAPSHOT.jar) as I was having the JsonSyntaxException error.

I guess make sure you can control the doors from the myq app directly.

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working for me on the 3.3 release for all four doors today. Won’t say it always works reliably, however.

I realized last night that I was no longer able to control the door from the MyQ app either, however, I was still getting notifications from the app when I manually opened/closed the door and was seeing sensor updates in the app. I guess the garage door motor had stopped responding to the MyQ hub’s commands, like it unlearned the hub’s code(s). From what I can tell, there’s no way to reset just this particular issue. I had to factory reset MyQ, remove the device and go through the initial setup process again. It’s all working now. Very strange.

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