Channel force update (or send value directly to channel)


One thing is listening on MQTT, but it works with a delay, I don’t know why. I know when there is a message published to MQTT from another thing.

  1. Is it possible to force one channel to retrieve/update data from MQTT (or the whole thing), or alternatively send JSON value directly to that channel?
  2. By the way - where in blocky can I find the postUpdate command?

No because as soon as the message is published the subscribers should get it. There is an always open connection between the subsciber and the broker and assuming the libraries for Java work the same as for Python, it’s all event driven, not polling based. As soon as the broker gets the message it pushes that message to the subscriber which immediately processes it.

Something weird is going on. Whats the QOS between the publisher and the broker for this message and what’s the QOS between OH and the broker?

For Items?


Any time you see that “button” with the down triangle that meas the block has options.


Sometimes a lot of options


it’s set like following:

aaah sooo :slight_smile: on the list of this block. Thank you!

What’s the QOS on the service publishing the message?

The rule in Blocky publish message to MQTT.

But how to check/set the QOS between OH and the broker? (Windows)

So OH is publishing an MQTT message to itself? Why? This is what Items are for.

The QOS used by the MQTT publish Action is controlled by the Broker Thing.

The QOS in the Broker Thing is the default used by all the Generic MQTT Things that use that Broker but you can set your own QOS on a per Thing basis.

True, I did a roundabout way of doing it, but it was just in case I wanted to use it in the future.

changed to “At least once (1)” and I will observe…

Thank you so much!