It looks fine, discovery found connector. The missing channel error is my fault. I’ve added missing XML descriptor, next build (3.0.0-pr-91-2024080y.xxxxxx-2) should contain it.
Gave it a shot now the channels are populated. But still no values the wallbox is in a ocpp connecting state. I tried scanning to see if it finds it still nothing . Logs dont show anything special any ideea?
If wallbox is stuck in connecting state then possibly binding does not satisfy defined protocol. I gonna check a handshake procedure in ocpp docs to see if binding should send something back.
I had it working at some point. My guess is some that my Grizzl-E charger is the source of my issues. Here is my repo : GitHub - gyzod/ocpp2mqtt
@splatch what is connectorIO ?
Not sure in which context you ask, it is:
- limited company I owe
- EU trademark owned my self-employed business
- github repos contain its open source code
- this is the largest set of third-party addons for OH
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