Hello I started programming just few days ago and I am still figuring out how everything works.
Following the demo I have the average value of all temperatures in the house by the item
Group:Number:AVG Temperature “Temperatura Media [%.1f °C]” (Stato,Temperature_Chart)
which is a group of 9 temperatures that are basically wrote like this
Number Temperature_PT_Bagnetto “Bagnetto[%.1f °C]” (Temperature, PT_Bagnetto)
Number Temperature_PT_Salotto “Salotto[%.1f °C]” (Temperature, PT_Salotto)
In the sitemap I have the value wrote as a string and plotted as achart by the statements
Text item=Temperature
Chart item=Temperature period=h refresh=6000
What happens is that the value is correct but in the chart all the values are plotted and not the average
Thanks everyone.
p.s. I don’t know how to make the code looks like a code