My understanding is, that OpenHab provides the possibility to design charts with the ‘page chart tool’ within pages (pages → create chart) or with widgets within pages (component: oh-chart, component: oh-aggregate-series, …). Both methods work with ECHARTS.
The problem is that both methods use different regional settings – in my case ‘English’ for charts created with ‘page chart tool’ in pages and ‘Austria/German’ for charts created with widgets within pages.
A chart created with page chart tool within pages: the charts use the regional settings ‘English’:
English: May
A chart created with widgets in pages: the charts use the regional settings of the system (in my case regional settings ‘Austria/German’):
Austria: Jän. = Jänner, German: Jan. = Januar, English: Jan. = January
In the ECHART documentation I found the following information:
Global echarts object, which can be accessed after including echarts.js in script tag or through require(‘echarts’) in AMD environment.
echarts. init
(dom: HTMLDivElement|HTMLCanvasElement, theme?: Object|string, opts?: {
devicePixelRatio?: number,
renderer?: string,
useDirtyRect?: boolean, // Since5.0.0
useCoarsePointer?: boolean, // Since5.4.0
pointerSize?: number, // Since5.4.0
ssr?: boolean, // Since5.3.0
width?: number|string,
height?: number|string,
locale?: string // Since5.0.0
}) => EChartsCreates an ECharts instance, and returns an echartsInstance. You shall not initialize multiple ECharts instances on a single container.
Parameters …
- locale Specify the locale
There are two builtins: ‘ZH’ and ‘EN’. Or you can use echarts.registerLocale to register a new locale. Or supported locales can be referenced in src/i18n.
In the OpenHab documentation 4.1 I found a document about Internationalization
All texts can be internationalized by using Java i18n properties files.
Please explain the reason for this different behavior on the same system and the same tabbed page.