Charts in habpanel and habmin

So, as a newbie I made a chart in ‘HABmin’ and saved it. Is that saved chart available for the dashboard in “HABpanel” or are they totally disconnected? There seems to be a dashboard in habpanel that is entirely different than the one in habmin. However the one in habpanel doesn’t seem to work, while the one in habmin does.

Also, for the chart in Habmin, is there a way to turn off the bezier curves between the points?; I just want the lines without splining.

They are disconnected. Most of Habmin like the dashboard and Scratch rules editor and the like have not been well maintained. Most of us only used Habmin to work with administering zwave.

HABPanel is one of the most popular UIs. Can you explain what you mean by it not working? To my knowledge there is nothing that doesn’t work in HABPanel.

If you want control over the charts, you need to use an external charting software like Grafana. See InfluxDB+Grafana persistence and graphing

not working; sorry that is indefinite. I don’t see the activity plotted in the graphs that I see in habadmin. I am charting door opening/closing events. the habadmin chart based on mqtt persistence looks good but insists on fitting a bezier curve when I want just lines. in habpanel I don’t see the activity, and it doesn’t ask me what persistence store I’m using (which is postgresql)

mqtt persistence is write only. It is impossible to generate a chart using MQTT Persistence. So the question is what are you using?

And as I said, there is no ability to customize Habmin charts and there is limited ability to customize HABPanel charts. If what you see isn’t what you want, you need to use something like Grafana and embed the chart from there into you sitemap/HABPanel.