ChatID field is not visible in the Telegram Bot thing

  • Platform information:
    *Hardware: RPi4
    *OS: Raspbian GNU/Linux 10 (buster)
    *openHAB version: 3.0.0.M2-docker

Hi Gurus,
I am trying to add Telegram Bot thing into my new OH3 instalation (docker) and I have no clue where to add chat id(s). Am I blind?
I was able to add Bot Token, but field for chat id(s) is not visible.

Thanks in advance for help.

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And I thought yesterday I was blind :sunglasses:

Add it through the code page. Works fine for me.

Should that look like this:

UID: telegram:telegramBot:85c520892f
label: OpenHABbot
thingTypeUID: telegram:telegramBot
  proxyType: SOCKS5
  longPollingTime: 25
  chatchatIds: 1491525262
  parseMode: ""
  botToken: 1________3:A________________KQ
location: Internet

Its not working for me:

chatIds with only one time chat and try the number inside hyphen ““

  chatIds: “xxxxxx”
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I must have been blind now it works :+1: THANK YOU!

UID: telegram:telegramBot:85c520892f
label: OpenHABbot
thingTypeUID: telegram:telegramBot
  proxyType: SOCKS5
  longPollingTime: 25
  parseMode: ""
    - "1491525262"
  botToken: 1__________3:A__________________KQ
location: Internet

Thanks for this!

How to find info which entries are available/possible to use in code YAML?

Of course!
I have no clue what was in my mind, when I was asking the question :wink:


Can I use this to ask another question?
How do I send a message, I tried these variants:

      config: telegram:telegramBot:85c520892f
    type: telegramAction.sendTelegram(1491525262L,"Hallo Meister")
    type: telegramAction.sendTelegram(1491525262,"Hallo Meister")
    type: telegram.sendTelegram("Hallo Meister")
    type: telegram.sendTelegram(1491525262L, "Hallo Meister")

but there is always an error in the rule:

Validation of rule 47d21bb8cf has failed! Action Type “telegram.sendTelegram(1491525262L, “Hallo Meister”)” does not exist!

I use only rule dsl sorry

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Okay as a script it works, Thank’s a lot:

val telegramAction = getActions("telegram","telegram:telegramBot:85c520892f")
telegramAction.sendTelegram("Hallo Hofi!")
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Thx for this one!