Platform information:
- Hardware: Raspi 3 B+ (Raspian OS 10)
- Attached Hardware: Amber Wireless AMB8465 stick to read out Wireless M-Bus from water & heat meter
- Docker / Portainer 2.11.0
- openHAB Software: 3.2.0 Release Build
- openHAB Bindings: Homematic Binding (logging the heating, controlling lights and blinds), Gardena Binding for Gardena Gateway / smart irrigation control (logging soil humidity), Alexa Binding (controlling the Homematic lights)
- Homematic IP Hardware: CCU2 (2.59.7), multiple Homematic IP devices
I’m using a couple of rules to convert strings (e.g. status messages from my irrigation system) into numbers, to facilitate analyzing and storing them). Most of them are triggered by “when a member of a group changes”, see below:
The problem of that approach however is that, during startup, since the status of items changes a lot as part of the initialization process, the rule fires a lot, which floods the log.
In this thread I learned how to apply the “start level” trigger, which allows to trigger a rule based on when the system has started.
Now, combining those two, is it possible to trigger a rule “when a member of a group changes” with “only execute part of the Javascript code if system start level 100 has been reached”? Or, in other words, is there a way to check the system start level in Javascript with an if-condition?