A while ago, my Nest Hub stopped reacting to the STOP command channel.
Maybe it is happening since the update to OH 4.0.2 (from 3.3.0), but I don’t really know.
OH still displays correctly the current application and I can still change the volume with OH.
But when I send ON command to the STOP channel, it just stays ON and the Nest Hub does not stop.
When it worked, the STOP switch would return to OFF after stopping.
I already deleted and re-added the thing.
BTW: auto-discover by scan also did not work. Had to add it manually.
Of course, saying “stop” to the Nest Hub still works fine.
That was a bug in 3.4 that carried over and was fixed recently. I don’t know if it has been merged into 4.0.3, as I’ve been too busy to update to OH4. There’s a test jar file on Github that you can try. Look for the lseipel post on July 28, and there’s a link to a file on OneDrive.
@sidamos - did you have a chance to test if the JAR solves your problem? If we could have this additional confirmation for your particular Nest Hub setup, I would be happy to cherry-pick @lsiepel’s fix into the next 4.0 hotfix.