Collection of working CUL / FHT / FS20 /S300TH configs


it took me quite a while and lots of “googleing” as well as try and error to find out how to integrate CUL_V3, FS20, FHT, S300TH in openHAB ( version 1.7.0).
As a backup for me :wink: and to minimize efforts for others I will post my configuration here.

If there still are errors, misunderstandings or if you have other best practices, do not hesitate to post your setup here.

The starting point is the openhab.cfg with the most critical part for the components mentioned above:

Some bindings (openhab.cfg):

CUL/FS20/FHT Binding
fht:housecode=DC69 # (or whatever you have, I don’t think that this is necessary)

CUL Intertechno Binding
using a hand made “CUL” (, in german only) @/dev/ttyACM0

Items (default.items)

gpio /
Switch mpdAMP “MPC Ampifier” (Audio) { exec=">[ON:/usr/local/bin/gpio -g mode 5 out ] >[OFF:/usr/local/bin/gpio -g mode 5 in]" }

FHT80B - Funk-Heizkörperthermostate /
binding: fht=“housecode=;address=;datapoint=” /
items: Switch, Number /
Number HeizungMultiraumDesired “Multiraum Soll-Temp. [%.1f °C]” (Heating, logger) { fht=“housecode=552D;datapoint=DESIRED_TEMP” }
Number HeizungErdgeschossDesired “Erdgeschoss Soll-Temp. [%.1f °C]” (Heating, logger) { fht=“housecode=1621;datapoint=DESIRED_TEMP” }

Number HeizungMultiraumMeasured “Multiraum Ist-Temp. [%.1f °C]” (Heating) { fht=“housecode=552D;datapoint=MEASURED_TEMP” }
Number HeizungErdgeschossMeasured “Erggeschoss Ist-Temp. [%.1f °C]” (Heating) { fht=“housecode=1621;datapoint=MEASURED_TEMP” }

Number HeizungMultiraumValve “Multiraum Ventil [%.1f %%]” (Heating) { fht=“housecode=552D;address=00;datapoint=VALVE” }
Number HeizungErdgeschossValve “Erdgeschoss Ventil [%.1f %%]” (Heating) { fht=“housecode=1621;address=00;datapoint=VALVE” }

Switch HeizungMultiraumBattery “Multiraum Heizung Batterie [%s]” (Heating, Battery) { fht=“housecode=552D;datapoint=BATTERY” }
Switch HeizungErdgeschossBattery “Erdgeschoss Heizung Batterie [%s]” (Heating, Battery) { fht=“housecode=1621;datapoint=BATTERY” }

FHT 80TF-2 - Funk-Tür-Fenster-Melder /
binding: fht=“housecode=;address=;datapoint=WINDOW” /
items: Contact /
datapoint:WINDOW /
Contact FenstersensorMultiraum “Multiraum [MAP(]” (Windows, logger) { fht=“housecode=52FB;address=7B;datapoint=WINDOW” }
Contact FenstersensorNico “Nico [MAP(]” (Windows, logger) { fht=“housecode=7D66;address=C0;datapoint=WINDOW” }

FS20 Licht/Schalter /
Switch LichtKueche “Licht Küche” (Lights, Indoor, logger) { fs20=“DC6900” }
Switch LichtAussenwand “Licht Aussenwand” (Lights, Outdoor, logger) { fs20=“DC6901” }
Switch LichtKellerflur “Licht Kellerflur” (Lights, Indoor, logger) { fs20=“DC6902” }
Switch LichtGartentor “Licht Gartentor” (Lights, Outdoor, logger) { fs20=“DC6903” }

Switch Klingel “Klingel [%s]” (Outdoor, logger) { fs20=“536200” }
Switch PirAussenwand “Bewegung Aussenwand [%s]” (Outdoor, Motion, logger) { fs20=“A7A300” }
Switch PirGartentor “Bewegung Gartentor [%s]” (Outdoor, Motion, logger) { fs20=“557A00” }
Number Motion_Chart_Period “Chart Zeitraum”
String Motion_Panel “Bewegungsmelder [%s]”

Intertechno Licht/Schalter /
Switch LichtA “Licht A” (nLights) {culintertechno=“type=raw;address=0FFF0F0F;commandOn=FF;commandOff=F0”}
Switch LichtB “Licht B” (nLights) {culintertechno=“type=raw;address=0FFF0FF0;commandOn=FF;commandOff=F0”}
Switch LichtC “Licht C” (nLights) {culintertechno=“type=raw;address=0FFF0FFF;commandOn=FF;commandOff=F0”}
Switch LichtD “Licht D” (nLights) {culintertechno=“type=raw;address=0FFF00FF;commandOn=FF;commandOff=F0”}

S 300 TH - Funk-Temperatur-/ Luftfeuchte-Sensor /
Number S300TerrasseTemp “Terrasse Temperatur [%.1f C]” (Outdoor, Weather, Weather_Chart, logger) {s300th=“address=1;datapoint=TEMPERATURE”}
Number S300TerrasseHumi “Terrasse Luftfeuchtigkeit [%.1f %%]” (Outdoor, Weather, logger) {s300th=“address=1;datapoint=HUMIDITY”}
Number S300GartenTemp “Garten Temperatur [%.1f C]” (Outdoor, Weather, Weather_Chart, logger) {s300th=“address=5;datapoint=TEMPERATURE”}
Number S300GartenHumi “Garten Luftfeuchtigkeit [%.1f %%]” (Outdoor, Weather, logger) {s300th=“address=5;datapoint=HUMIDITY”}

Sitemap (default.sitemap)


sitemap default label=“home”
Frame {
Text item=Date
Frame {
Text item=ConcatInfo {
Switch item=mpdAMP
Frame {
Text item=S300TerrasseTemp label=“Wetter [%.1f °C]” icon=“sun” valuecolor=[Weather_LastUpdate==“Uninitialized”=“lightgray”,Weather_LastUpdate>90=“lightgray”,>25=“orange”,>15=“green”,>5=“orange”,<=5=“blue”]
Frame {
Text label=“Erdgeschoss [%.1f °C]” item=HeizungErdgeschossMeasured icon=“heating” {
Setpoint item=HeizungErdgeschossDesired minValue=6 maxValue=30 step=0.5
Text item=HeizungErdgeschossMeasured
Text item=HeizungErdgeschossValve
Text item=HeizungErdgeschossBattery
Text item=FenstersensorKueche
Text label=“Multiraum [%.1f °C]” item=HeizungMultiraumMeasured icon=“heating” {
Setpoint item=HeizungMultiraumDesired minValue=6 maxValue=30 step=0.5
Text item=HeizungMultiraumMeasured
Text item=HeizungMultiraumValve
Text item=HeizungMultiraumBattery
Text item=FenstersensorMultiraum
Frame {
Group item=Motion label=“Bewegungsmelder [%s]” icon=“motion” {
Frame {
Switch item=Motion_Chart_Period label=“Chart Period” mappings=[0=“Stunde”, 1=“Tag”, 2=“Woche”]
Chart item=Motion_Chart period=h refresh=6000 visibility=[Motion_Chart_Period==0, Motion_Chart_Period==“Uninitialized”]
Chart item=Motion_Chart period=D refresh=30000 visibility=[Motion_Chart_Period==1]
Chart item=Motion_Chart period=W refresh=30000 visibility=[Motion_Chart_Period==2]
Frame {
Group item=Battery

Rules (at least some of them):

rule AussenlichtZeitschalter
Item PirAussenwand received update
logInfo(“RULES”, “Aussenlicht-Zeitschalter: an für 10 Minuten”)
pushover(“Aussenlicht-Zeitschalter an für 10 Minuten”)
sendCommand(LichtAussenwand, ON)
createTimer(now.plusMinutes(10)) [|
sendCommand(LichtAussenwand, OFF)

rule “HaustuereAuf”
Item FenstersensorHaustuere changed from CLOSED to OPEN
logInfo(“RULES”, “Haustüre (” + FenstersensorHaustuere.state + “)”)
pushover(“Die Haustüre wurde geöffnet (” + FenstersensorHaustuere.state + “)”)
rule “HaustüreZu”
Item FenstersensorHaustuere changed from OPEN to CLOSE
logInfo(“RULES”, "Haustüre: " + FenstersensorHaustuere.state.toString())
pushover(“Die Haustüre wurde geschlossen (” + FenstersensorHaustuere.state.toString() + “)”)
rule “TerrassentüreAuf”
Item FenstersensorKueche changed from CLOSED to OPEN
var DateTime daystart = new DateTime((dawnStart.state as DateTimeType).calendar.timeInMillis)
var DateTime dayend = new DateTime((duskEnd.state as DateTimeType).calendar.timeInMillis)
val boolean isdark = now.isBefore(daystart) || now.isAfter(dayend)

	logInfo("RULES", "Terrassentüre: " + FenstersensorKueche.state.toString() + ", isAfterSunset: " + isdark.toString())
	pushover("Die Terrassentüre wurde geöffnet")
	if ( isdark )
		pushover("Terrassentüre nach Sonnenuntergang: Küchenlicht an für 10 Minuten")
		sendCommand(LichtKueche, ON)
		tenMinTimerState = true
		tenMinTimer = createTimer(now.plusMinutes(10))[|
			tenMinTimerState = false
			sendCommand(LichtKueche, OFF)
			pushover("Terrassentüre: Küchenlicht wieder aus nach 10 Minuten.")

rule “TerrassentüreZu”
Item FenstersensorKueche changed from OPEN to CLOSE
logInfo(“RULES”, "Terrassentüre: " + FenstersensorKueche.state.toString())
pushover(“Die Terrassentüre wurde geschlossen (” + FenstersensorKueche.state.toString() + “)”)

rule KellerlichtZeitschalter
Item LichtKellerflur received update ON
logInfo(“RULES”, “LichtKellerflur-Zeitschalter: an für 5 Minuten”)
createTimer(now.plusMinutes(5)) [|
sendCommand(LichtKellerflur, OFF)

//Rule at sunrise, Sonnenaufgang:
// ok, funktioniert
rule “Rule at sunrise”
Item Sunrise_Event received update ON
logInfo(“RULES”,“Sunrise_Event received command ON”)
pushover(“Sonnenaufgang: alle Aussenlampen ausgeschaltet.”)
sendCommand(LichtAussenwand, OFF)
sendCommand(LichtGartentor, OFF)


Hey Dirk,
thanks for sharing your config. Back then I also used the CUL binding. I then bought Homematic devices with a CCU2 and found out that CUxD supports the FS20 devices as well. I just have to plug the CUL into CCU2 & install the CUxD addon on CCU2. After a short chat with the Homematic Binding developer, the Homematic binding is able to also subscribe to CUxD devices.
Now I use my old FS20 devices with the Homematic binding to have a more streamlined/homogeneous environment.
This is more an FYI for users that also have Homematic in their environment.

Hi Dirk,

could you please be so kind and provide pointers to the documentation of the FHT binding that you are using.

The documentation that I can find seems to be for a different software:

Thanks a lot in advance!



first of all thank you for these example. They came in really handy during my setup.

I was facing the following problem: the housecode defined in openhab.cfg may not be 0000, since otherwise communication is turned off, as documented here under “command X”: culfw reference

Set the “own” housecode to HHHH. The first byte will be used as the FHZ code in in FHT80b mode. This command will also clear all buffers. Note: if HHHH is 0000, then FHT80b communication is switched off.


Hi @dirkc ,

I know some time passed since you posted your setup here, but maybe you can help me out a little bit.

I’m already using some FHT80B and FHT 80TF-2 combined with the FHT Bridge. Now i want to get them into openhab. But i can’t seem to get them work.

My Questions:
Can i check somehow if my CUL gets a connection to the items?
Do I still need the FHT Bridge, or am I communicating directly with the Fensterkontakt and the Stellantrieb?
From where do I get the house- and deviceaddress?


Sorry Simon, I stopped using openhab with the changes made in 1.8 / 1.9
The team completely reworked the cul related bundles and I was no longer able to get it up and running. Disappointed somehow.

As for the CUL intertechno binding, I’m using it with practically no change since 1.8 actually under 2.1.
Of course the cfg moved to its own cfg file.

@opus: If you have a working setup for CUL, FHT, FS20 among others this site is a great place to share your setup and config files …

I’m just using the culintertechno binding with this setup on OH 2.1 (openhabian):


############################# Intertechno Binding ##############


Switch Elro_Weiss "Elro-Weiss" (gLichtschalter) {culintertechno="type=raw;address=00000FFF0F;commandOn=FF;commandOff=F0"} /* Intertechno Code A15, Elro weiß */
Switch REV_A "REV_A"  (gLichtschalter) {culintertechno="type=raw;address=000FFF0FFF;commandOn=FF;commandOff=F0"} /*REV Dose A*/