Collection of working z-wave configs

Well, I can tell you I have parameter 121 set to 256 and I am getting alerts back to the Z stick every time the door opens. Other than that, nothing I can see that is special. The battery life is still 100%. When first setting it up, I had to take a paperclip and push the little center button a few times. Never had to hold it in or anything. Now when I reset OpenHAB (running OH2 and Habmin2), and I want it to register things, I can just poke the button one time, and it creates the xml without issue. The only other thing to mention is it is part of a mesh and has at least 2 neighbors that have line power. It really has been a dependable device to date.



i have the Aeon Z-Stick on my Windows 7 - openHAB NUC.
At the moment i use a
Fibaro RGBW Controller … the Full Item File is:

Group	gWohnzimmer		"Wohnzimmer"			<sofa>	(gAlles)
Group	gwzRGBW			"TV Rücklicht Erweitert"	<sofa>	(gWohnzimmer)

Color 	wzRGBW 		"TV Rücklicht" 		<slider> 	(gwzRGBW)
Dimmer 	wzRGBW_All 	"Helligkeit [%d %%]" 	<switch> 	(gwzRGBW)	{zwave="2"}
Dimmer	wzRGBW_R 	"Rot [%d %%]" 		<switch> 	(gwzRGBW)	{zwave="2:2"}
Dimmer 	wzRGBW_G 	"Grün [%d %%]" 		<switch> 	(gwzRGBW)	{zwave="2:3"}
Dimmer 	wzRGBW_B 	"Blau [%d %%]" 		<switch> 	(gwzRGBW)	{zwave="2:4"}
Dimmer 	wzRGBW_W 	"Weiß [%d %%]" 		<switch> 	(gwzRGBW)	{zwave="2:5"}

Switch  wzRGBW_Switch	"Schalter Alle"		<switch> 	(gwzRGBW)	{ zwave="2:1"}
Switch  wzRGBW_R_Switch	"Schalter Rot"		<switch> 	(gwzRGBW)	{ zwave="2:2"}
Switch  wzRGBW_G_Switch "Schalter Grün"		<switch> 	(gwzRGBW)	{ zwave="2:3"}
Switch  wzRGBW_B_Switch	"Schalter Blau"		<switch> 	(gwzRGBW)	{ zwave="2:4"}
Switch  wzRGBW_W_Switch	"Schalter Weiß"         <switch> 	(gwzRGBW)	{ zwave="2:5"}

Number wzRGBW_Power     "Stromverbrauch [%.1f W]"   	<energy> 	(gwzRGBW)	{ zwave="2:command=sensor_multilevel"}
Number wzRGBW_Energy    "Gesamtverbrauch [%.2f KWh]"   	<energy> 	(gwzRGBW)	{ zwave="2:command=meter", refresh_interval=60}

I have only the Colorpicker in the Sitemap
And the rule for the Colorpicker is:

import org.openhab.core.library.types.*

var HSBType hsbValue
var String redValue
var String blueValue
var String greenValue

rule "Set wzRGBW Value"
	Item wzRGBW changed
	hsbValue = wzRGBW.state as HSBType
        redValue =
        greenValue =
        blueValue =


i have sometimes a Warning Message … i dont know why ???

2015-08-22 18:12:21.124 [WARN ] [.b.z.i.c.ZWaveConverterHandler] - NODE 2: Generating message failed for command class = SWITCH_MULTILEVEL
2015-08-22 18:12:21.172 [WARN ] [.b.z.i.c.ZWaveConverterHandler] - NODE 2: Generating message failed for command class = SWITCH_MULTILEVEL
2015-08-22 18:12:21.174 [WARN ] [.b.z.i.c.ZWaveConverterHandler] - NODE 2: Generating message failed for command class = SWITCH_MULTILEVEL
2015-08-22 18:12:21.177 [WARN ] [.b.z.i.c.ZWaveConverterHandler] - NODE 2: Generating message failed for command class = SWITCH_MULTILEVEL
2015-08-22 18:12:21.181 [WARN ] [.b.z.i.c.ZWaveConverterHandler] - NODE 2: Generating message failed for command class = SWITCH_MULTILEVEL
2015-08-22 18:12:21.186 [WARN ] [.b.z.i.c.ZWaveConverterHandler] - NODE 2: Generating message failed for command class = SWITCH_MULTILEVEL
2015-08-22 18:12:21.189 [WARN ] [.b.z.i.c.ZWaveConverterHandler] - NODE 2: Generating message failed for command class = SWITCH_MULTILEVEL
2015-08-22 18:12:21.194 [WARN ] [.b.z.i.c.ZWaveConverterHandler] - NODE 2: Generating message failed for command class = SWITCH_MULTILEVEL
2015-08-22 18:12:21.198 [WARN ] [.b.z.i.c.ZWaveConverterHandler] - NODE 2: Generating message failed for command class = SWITCH_MULTILEVEL

The second Device is a Fibaro Rollershutter FGRM-222

Group	gKind			"Kinderzimmer"				<boy3>		(gAlles)
Group	gkdSHUTTER		"Kinderzimmer Außenrollo Erweitert"	<rollershutter>	(gKind)

Rollershutter kdSHUTTER		"Außenrollo [%d %%]" 				(gkdSHUTTER)	{zwave="3:command=switch_multilevel,invert_state=false,invert_percent=true"}

Number kdSHUTTER_Power		"Stromverbrauch [%.1f W]"	<energy> 	(gkdSHUTTER)	{ zwave="3:command=sensor_multilevel"}
Number kdSHUTTER_Energy		"Gesamtverbrauch [%.2f KWh]"	<energy> 	(gkdSHUTTER)	{ zwave="3:command=meter" }

Fibaro Smoke detector

Contact Z_Kitchen_Smoke “Smokedetector_K is[%s]” (Smoke_Alarm) {zwave=“6:command=sensor_alarm,alarm_type=1” }

Contact Z_Kitchen_Tamper “Smoke_sensor_K Tamper is[MAP(]” (Tamper_Alarm) { zwave=“6:command=sensor_alarm,alarm_type=0” }

Number Z_Kitchen_Battery “Smoke_sensor_batt [%d %%]” (Battery_Levels) {zwave=“6:command=battery” }

Number Z_Kitchen_Temp “Kitchen_temperature [%.1f°C]” (Temperatures) {zwave=“6:command=sensor_multilevel,sensor_type=1” }

Fibaro RGBW Controller + white value

Group gRGBW “Living RGBW Licht”
Dimmer RGBWControllerAll “RGBW Licht dimmer [%d %%]” (gRGBW,Lights) { zwave=“7:1” }
Dimmer RGBWControllerALL_Status “RGBW Licht dimmer [%d %%]” (gRGBW,Lights) { zwave=“7:0” }
Color RGBW “RGBW Licht kleur” (gRGBW)
Dimmer RGBWControllerR “RGBW Light Red [%d %%]” { zwave=“7:2” }
Dimmer RGBWControllerG “RGBW Light Green [%d %%]” { zwave=“7:3” }
Dimmer RGBWControllerB “RGBW Light Blue [%d %%]” { zwave=“7:4” }
white RGBW “RGBW Licht Warm Wit” (gRGBW,Lights)
Dimmer RGBWControllerW “RGBW Light White [%d %%]” { zwave=“7:5” }
Number RGBW_Power “RGBW_Power [%.1f W]” {zwave=“7:0:command=sensor_multilevel” }
Number RGBW_Verbruik “RGBW_Verbruik [%.2f kWh]” { zwave=“7:0:command=meter” }

Fibaro Universal Sensor

Contact Z_deurbel0 “Z_deurbel_sensor” { zwave=“8:0:command=SENSOR_BINARY,respond_to_basic=TRUE” }
Contact Z_deurbel1 “Z_deurbel_input1” { zwave=“8:1:command=SENSOR_BINARY,respond_to_basic=TRUE” }
Contact Z_deurbel2 “deurbel” { zwave=“8:2:command=SENSOR_BINARY,respond_to_basic=TRUE” }

I had a hard time of setting up the Double paddle wall switch WCD1 (this also works with the newer model WCD2), so I would like to share the inputs I got from different forums:

  1. Include the device (send additional NIF according to the manual if it does not show up right away)
  2. Go to habmin and change the configuration parameters to:
    11: Send scenes 12: Send scenes 13: Send scenes 14: Send scenes
  3. Set all four Association Groups to a member for your controller (for example Group 1 … Node 1 … Member and so on)
    Again, send some NIF to transfer the new values to the device
  4. Start openhab in debug mode, push all buttons at least once and find out the scene numbers in openhab.log, you will need those for your items:
  5. Set up your items:

Switch WCD1_1_BUT1 “Test BUT 1” { zwave=“7:command=SCENE_ACTIVATION,scene=11,state=1” }
Switch WCD1_1_BUT3 “Test BUT 3” { zwave=“7:command=SCENE_ACTIVATION,scene=12,state=0” }
Switch WCD1_1_BUT2 “Test BUT 2” { zwave=“7:command=SCENE_ACTIVATION,scene=21,state=1” }
Switch WCD1_1_BUT4 “Test BUT 4” { zwave=“7:command=SCENE_ACTIVATION,scene=22,state=0” }
Switch WCD1_1_SW1 “Test WCD SW 1” (gTest)
Switch WCD1_1_SW2 “Test WCD SW 2” (gTest)

6.Set up your rules:

    rule "WCD1 Switch 1 ON"
    Item WCD1_1_BUT1 received update ON
    sendCommand(WCD1_1_SW1, ON)
    rule "WCD1 Switch 1 OFF"
    Item WCD1_1_BUT3 received update ON
    sendCommand(WCD1_1_SW1, OFF)
    rule "WCD1 Switch 2 ON"
    Item WCD1_1_BUT2 received update ON
    sendCommand(WCD1_1_SW2, ON)
    rule "WCD1 Switch 2 OFF"
    Item WCD1_1_BUT4 received update ON
    sendCommand(WCD1_1_SW2, OFF)

Now you are able to switch WCD1_1_SW1 with a push of buttons 1 and 3 to ON and OFF and WCD1_1_SW2 with buttons 2 and 4.

Have fun.

Heat-it Thermostat

Number Temperature { zwave=“4:0:command=SENSOR_MULTILEVEL,sensor_type=1” }
Number Set_Temp { zwave=“4:command=THERMOSTAT_SETPOINT,setpoint_type=1,setpoint_scale=0” }
Number Mode {zwave=“4:0:command=THERMOSTAT_MODE” }
DateTime LastUpdated { zwave=“4:command=info,item=LAST_UPDATE”}

Everspring Wireless Dimmer ADA131

Dimmer Light { zwave=“6:command=SWITCH_MULTILEVEL,respond_to_basic=true” }

Z-Weather Weather Station

Number  Windspeed       "Wind [%.2f m/s]"       <wind>  (weather_station)               { zwave="5:command=sensor_multilevel,sensor_type=6,refresh_interval=300" }
Number  Luminance       "Luminance [%.1f %%]"   (weather_station)               { zwave="5:command=sensor_multilevel,sensor_type=3,refresh_interval=300" }
Number  RelativeHumidity        "Humidity [%.1f %%]"    (weather_station)               { zwave="5:command=sensor_multilevel,sensor_type=5,refresh_interval=300" }
Number  DewPoint        "Dew Point [%.1f °C]"   (weather_station)               { zwave="5:command=sensor_multilevel,sensor_type=11,refresh_interval=300" }
Number  BarometricPressure      "Barometric Pressure [%.1f kPa]"        (weather_station)               { zwave="5:command=sensor_multilevel,sensor_type=9,refresh_interval=300" }
Number  TempWeatherStation      "Temp Weatherstation [%.1f °C]" <temperature>   (weather_station)               { zwave="5:command=sensor_multilevel,sensor_type=1,refresh_interval=300" }
Number  BatteryWeatherStation   "Battery Weatherstation [%.2f %%]"      { zwave="5:command=battery,refresh_interval=600" }
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Here’s the temperature item for the Fibaro FGK-101 door sensor (requires DS18B20 to be added):

Number  Temp_UtilityRoom "Utility room temperature [%.1f °C]" { zwave="7:2:command=SENSOR_MULTILEVEL" }

Fibaro FGS221 Relay Switch 2x1.5kW:

Switch	FibaroSwitch1	"Relay 1"	{ zwave="12:1:command=switch_binary" }
Switch	FibaroSwitch2	"Relay 2"	{ zwave="12:2:command=switch_binary" }

(I don’t use the switch inputs on the device)

Lot’s of useful information in this thread!

It would be great if this kind of information was available on the Wiki in as browsable/searchable way, e.g. structured by manufacturer (Fibaro, Vision, etc.) and model (e.g. FGK-101, FGMS-001, etc.)

What do you think?

Here’s another one that took me a while to get working - motion sensor on the Aeon Multisensor 6:

Contact	Sensor_Livingroom_PIR	"Living room PIR"	<pir>	(Sensors)		{ zwave="14:0:command=SENSOR_BINARY,sensor_type=12,respond_to_basic=TRUE" }

The rest of the items for the Multi Sensor 6 can be set up using the same commands as for the Multi Sensor 4 given earlier on by @xsnrg.

Regarding the endpoint “0” you (all) should read:

Continuing the discussion from Association doesn't update the associated item status:

here is what i have for ecolink tiltzwave1 sensor for garage door.

Group DoorsWindows “Doors and Windows”
Contact GarageDoor “Garage Door is [MAP(]” (DoorsWindows){zwave=“3:command=SENSOR_BINARY”}

Personally, I always put groups BEFORE the zwave config. Perhaps superstitious behavior, but…


Contact GarageDoor "Garage Door is [MAP(]" (DoorsWindows) {zwave="3:command=SENSOR_BINARY"}

Fixed. thanks bob.

And for Fibaro Universal Sensor with attached DS18B20 temperature sensors:
Number Sensor_Temp_1 “Temp1 [%.2f °C]” { zwave=“17:3:command=sensor_multilevel” }
Number Sensor_Temp_2 “Temp1 [%.2f °C]” { zwave=“17:4:command=sensor_multilevel” }
Number Sensor_Temp_3 “Temp1 [%.2f °C]” { zwave=“17:5:command=sensor_multilevel” }

@JjS are you using the Fibaro FGMS-001 model?

Reported by Habmin as RGBS0001 Universal Binary Sensor

For the nodon CRC 3100 (Octan Remote):

1.- Change the configuration parameter 3 to 1.
2.- Create the items as shown below:

Switch	Nodon_Button1_Single	"Nodon_Button1_Single"	<switch>	{ zwave="8:command=SCENE_ACTIVATION,scene=10,state=1" }
Switch	Nodon_Button2_Single	"Nodon_Button2_Single"	<switch>	{ zwave="8:command=SCENE_ACTIVATION,scene=20,state=1" }
Switch	Nodon_Button3_Single	"Nodon_Button3_Single"	<switch>	{ zwave="8:command=SCENE_ACTIVATION,scene=30,state=1" }
Switch	Nodon_Button4_Single	"Nodon_Button4_Single"	<switch>	{ zwave="8:command=SCENE_ACTIVATION,scene=40,state=1" }

Switch  Nodon_Button1_Long      "Nodon_Button1_Long"  <switch>          { zwave="8:command=SCENE_ACTIVATION,scene=12,state=1" }
Switch  Nodon_Button2_Long      "Nodon_Button2_Long"  <switch>          { zwave="8:command=SCENE_ACTIVATION,scene=22,state=1" }
Switch  Nodon_Button3_Long      "Nodon_Button3_Long"  <switch>          { zwave="8:command=SCENE_ACTIVATION,scene=32,state=1" }
Switch  Nodon_Button4_Long      "Nodon_Button4_Long"  <switch>          { zwave="8:command=SCENE_ACTIVATION,scene=42,state=1" }

Switch  Nodon_Button1_Release   "Nodon_Button1_Release" <switch>        { zwave="8:command=SCENE_ACTIVATION,scene=11,state=1" }
Switch  Nodon_Button2_Release   "Nodon_Button2_Release" <switch>        { zwave="8:command=SCENE_ACTIVATION,scene=21,state=1" }
Switch  Nodon_Button3_Release   "Nodon_Button3_Release" <switch>        { zwave="8:command=SCENE_ACTIVATION,scene=31,state=1" }
Switch  Nodon_Button4_Release   "Nodon_Button4_Release" <switch>        { zwave="8:command=SCENE_ACTIVATION,scene=41,state=1" }

Switch  Nodon_Button1_Double    "Nodon_Button1_Double" <switch>         { zwave="8:command=SCENE_ACTIVATION,scene=13,state=1" }
Switch  Nodon_Button2_Double    "Nodon_Button2_Double" <switch>         { zwave="8:command=SCENE_ACTIVATION,scene=23,state=1" }
Switch  Nodon_Button3_Double    "Nodon_Button3_Double" <switch>         { zwave="8:command=SCENE_ACTIVATION,scene=33,state=1" }
Switch  Nodon_Button4_Double    "Nodon_Button4_Double" <switch>         { zwave="8:command=SCENE_ACTIVATION,scene=43,state=1" }

3.- Create rules for the desired scene:

import org.openhab.core.library.types.*

rule Nodon_Button1_Single
   Item Nodon_Button1_Single received update ON
   logInfo("rules", "Nodon_Button1_Single - Start")

   var currentValue = LivingRoom_Lamp.state

   if (currentValue == ON){
	sendCommand(LivingRoom_Lamp, OFF)
   } else{
	sendCommand(LivingRoom_Lamp, ON)

   logInfo("rules", "Nodon_Button1_Single - End")

Obviously, change the code in the rule to match your requirements.

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