Color Picker equivalent for ambient lights

Is there a Colorpicker equivalent usable in sidemap but then for HUE ambient lights?

That is usable for HUE color lights but not for ambiant lights. I’m searching for something like HUE has.

That looks like a color-temperature channel and can easily be used by a dimmer itemtype.

Just to elaborate on @sihui’s replies, UI widgets are independent from the technologies. UI Widgets work with Items and Items work the same no matter what technology they are connected to. So if you have a Color Item, and Color PIcker that works with Color Items will work no matter what type of light it’s controlling.

Ambient lights are no color lights.

You miss my point.

If the Item is a Color Item, it works the same no matter what it’s linked to.


then these are not going to be Color Items and there is no use in having a color picker at all. They would either use a Dimmer Item or just a Switch Item. But here too, it doesn’t matter if they are Hue, Zwave, or something else. From the UI any Dimmer Item works the same as any other no matter what they are linked to.

Look at the screenshot from Hue above. Is is a kind of color picker but for ambient (color temperature) only.

There is nothing like that in openHAB. A Dimmer is a Dimmer and a Dimmer can be controlled with a slider, or a setpoint, or a switch or by sending a value between 0 and 100 through some custom widget. A Dimmer is not a Color and a Color picker widget cannot be used with a Dimmer.