Colorpicker doesn't work

Hey guys,

I just started using openHABian on my RasPI for my lights.
I’ve got several wifi LED-stripes in my room which I added as things:

Thing wifiled:wifiled:ko [ ip=“”, port=5577, pollingPeriod=3000, protocol=“LD686”, driver=“CLASSIC”, fadeDurationInMs=1000, fadeSteps=100 ]
Thing wifiled:wifiled:ku [ ip=“”, port=5577, pollingPeriod=3000, protocol=“LD686”, driver=“CLASSIC”, fadeDurationInMs=1000, fadeSteps=100 ]
Thing wifiled:wifiled:bed [ ip=“”, port=5577, pollingPeriod=3000, protocol=“LD686”, driver=“CLASSIC”, fadeDurationInMs=1000, fadeSteps=100 ]
Thing wifiled:wifiled:desk [ ip=“”, port=5577, pollingPeriod=3000, protocol=“LD686”, driver=“CLASSIC”, fadeDurationInMs=1000, fadeSteps=100 ]

for testing I created an item with just one of them:

Group Light
Switch s_power “Power” (Light) {channel=“wifiled:wifiled:desk:power”}
Color s_color “Farbe” (Light) {channel=“wifiled:wifiled:desk:color”}
String s_program “Programm” (Light) {channel=“wifiled:wifiled:desk:program”}

and finally created the sitemap:

sitemap ledstripes label=“LED - Streifen”
Text label=“Schreibtisch”
Switch item=s_power
Colorpicker item=s_color

The ON/OFF-Switch works just fine, but the Colorpicker doesn’t have any effect on the light

I would be really thankful if someone could spare a few minutes helping me,