Comfortable remote access using main UI

Hi everyone,

I am currenctly using OH3.1 and my main control is using habpanel through a VPN.
However, I would like to use the mainUI with custom widgets for my family via (no vpn hassle for them).

I read a few posts about having issues accessing mainUI remotely

but it seems to work for me.

However, accessing it using Safari (iphone) is not really comfortable, because:

  1. I always need to log in to
  2. I need to log in to main UI with the specific user account.

Is there any app recommendation storing the accounts to make it more comfortable to use?
Any suggestion is greaty appreciated.

The UI in 3.1 tries to use the Credentials Management API to help you save your credentials locally in the browser especially when you add the main UI ( to your home screen when using myopenHAB. This should be supported in mobile Safari as of version 13.
If you meet these requirements and have trouble getting access I’m interested in whatever debug logs you can provide. If you can make screenshots or videos of what happens this could help.

Thank you, Yannick.
I will check it out and give it a try.

One more question though.
For my family members I need to share the credentials to myopenhab. org (before the user login) or is there a way around it
(just to keep things easier safer with our kids ;-)?

The credentials to myopenHAB are separate from your credentials to openHAB proper.
You could share your myopenHAB credentials to your family but unless they log in as an admin once they get access past the cloud proxy to the instance (by default, as anonymous guests) they won’t have access to the admin section and also parts of the UI that you’ve hidden with the visibleTo config parameter.

So, this means in other words, that after the initial login (via myopenhab admin), the various user accounts won’t have the access to the admin functions anymore, because the connection is automatically tunneled through to the mainUI!?

Hi Yannick,

I would like to start with this analysis, because I still have troubles ( asks for credentials).
I am using an iphone on 14.7.1

Here is what I did:

  1. I deleted all passwords stored for on the iphone for a clean start
  2. logged in at with my admin credentials
  3. Created a shortcut on home screen.
  4. Closed the Browser and opened the link (in my wifi) on the home screen
    → login prompt for shows up
  5. Whenever I close the browser link completely (not the app gui only), I am asked for the credentials.

So which components should I switch to TRACE?
org.openhab.core.ui or something else?

Are you offered by the browser to save these credentials at that point?

No, there is no option to save them.

Visit What Web Can Do Today: Credentials with your phone, and look for “Supported” alongside navigator.credentials under the “support in your browser” section. They say iOS Safari >= 14 supports it now, but I just tested with BrowserStack and it doesn’t appear to be the case (it says “Not supported”) - if so, you’re out of luck. If it reports it as supported, maybe try the demo form and see if it actually works.

Thanks, Yannick.
Yes, in my case it’s shown as not supported as well.
Do you happen to know about a different browser on iOS. :slight_smile:

I will check a few alternative iOS browsers and will post the outcome accordingly.

I have tested some iOS browsers like this with no luck:
(the procedure below was done without the user login at mainUI - so it’s about the general login at only (so far)

Login was successful on
Changing to showed the mainUI properly.
No option to store the credentials.
Using the browser later showed the login dialogue again :frowning:
Later on I was able to make use of the previously stored usr/pwd (by Safari or another browser).

Login was successful on
Changing to showed the mainUI properly.
I was able to store the credentials.
Using the browser later showed “unauthorized” when opening
So it’s required to login at again (fortunately I was able to select the credentials from the stored user/pwd DB).
firefox provides the function to store usr/pwd manually. Unfortunately this does not help with the “unauthorized” issue. (Which is most likely related to the mainUI login credentials)

Quite similar to firefox
Login was successful on
Changing to showed the mainUI properly.
I was able to store the credentials.
Using the browser later showed “unauthorized” opening
So it’s required to login at again (fortunately I was able to select the credentials from the stored user/pwd DB).
Although the manual login is still not user friendly …

Chrome & Opera
Login was successful on
Changing to showed the mainUI properly.
I was able to store the credentials.
Later I was able to select the credentials from the stored user/pwd DB to log in to
Although the manual login is still not user friendly …
Chrome: NO, Opera: YES

Just edge was able to identify and suggest the right usr/PWD on top of the DB screen (which makes it easier than scrollung through the DB)
Shouldn’t the browser be able to link the stored usr/pwd of to

The required mainUI login seems to have problems on all platforms.
Providing the user login for mainUI leads to “unauthorized”.
I assume, that the myopenhab login gets in conflict with the mainUI credentials (different credentials for the same website!?)

So, I am not sure if there is an option to use mainUI remotely (comfortably) unless the credentials stuff is implemented on iOS properly :frowning: