[SOLVED] Command 'string.contains()' not a member of '...items.StringItem'

Dear all,
I am pretty new to openHAB and I am currently struggeling with a rule execution. I’d like to change the color setting of my HUE lamp depending on the content of a string item (here ‘WeatherWarningString’) of the DWD Unwetter binding. The rule is as follows:

rule “Define Weather Event”

Item SwitchX changed to ON // SwitchX is triggered in a separate rule by an event channel

if (WeatherWarningString.contains(“Storm”)) {
var DecimalType hueINT = new DecimalType(120)
var PercentType saturationINT = new PercentType(100)
var PercentType brightnessINT = new PercentType(100)
var HSBType changeCol = new HSBType(hueINT, saturationINT, brightnessINT) }
else {
var DecimalType hueINT = new DecimalType(360)
var PercentType saturationINT = new PercentType(100)
var PercentType brightnessINT = new PercentType(100)
var HSBType changeCol = new HSBType(hueINT, saturationINT, brightnessINT) }



Executing the rule leads to the following error message:
[ERROR] [ntime.internal.engine.RuleEngineImpl] - Rule ‘Define Weather Event’: ‘contains’ is not a member of ‘org.eclipse.smarthome.core.library.items.StringItem’;

I have checked recent posts on this forum, on whether I am missing to load an additional library, but could not found any solution.

I am using openHAB 2.4.0 release on a raspberry pi 2.

Any help would be much appreciated!

Thanks a lot,

An Item is an object with name, label, etc. properties. You would presumably be interested in its state property.
State may not have all the methods of a regular string variable, I don’t know, so to be safe I’d get the string conversion anyway.


As what @rossko57 said, this need to be:
if (WeatherWarningString.state.contains(“Storm”)) {

Dear rossko57,
dear ljsquare,

Thanks for your quick reply. Unfortunately neither

if (WeatherWarningString.state.contains(“Storm”)) nor
if (WeatherWarningString.state.toString.contains(“Storm”)) worked.

With “state.toString” a second error message appears:
[ERROR] [ntime.internal.engine.RuleEngineImpl] - Rule ‘Define Weather Event’: ‘contains’ is not a member of ‘org.eclipse.smarthome.core.types.State’;
[ERROR] [ntime.internal.engine.RuleEngineImpl] - Rule ‘Define weather event’: Script interpreter couldn’t be obtain

Please use code fences

Rule ‘Define Weather Event’ is a different rule from ‘Define weather event’
I think your rule editing has messed up somewhere.

if (someItem.state.toString.contains("xx")) { ...
works fine for me

The toString problem seems to be fixed now. The above error message does not occur any longer. Unfortunately I stumbled over another problem with my rule.

 rule "Define Weather Event"
    Item Kueche_Schalter changed to ON 

    if (WarningLichTyp.state.toString.contains("Sturm")) {
        var DecimalType hueINT = new DecimalType(120)
        var PercentType saturationINT = new PercentType(100) 
        var PercentType brightnessINT = new PercentType(100)
        var HSBType lightOBJ = new HSBType(hueINT, saturationINT, brightnessINT)
    if (WarningLichTyp.state.toString.contains("Gewitter")) {
        var DecimalType hueINT = new DecimalType(360)
        var PercentType saturationINT = new PercentType(100) 
        var PercentType brightnessINT = new PercentType(100)
        var HSBType lightOBJ = new HSBType(hueINT, saturationINT, brightnessINT)
    if (WarningLichTyp.state.toString.contains("Frost")) {
        var DecimalType hueINT = new DecimalType(240)
        var PercentType saturationINT = new PercentType(100) 
        var PercentType brightnessINT = new PercentType(100)
        var HSBType lightOBJ = new HSBType(hueINT, saturationINT, brightnessINT)
    else {
        var DecimalType hueINT = new DecimalType(360)
        var PercentType saturationINT = new PercentType(0) 
        var PercentType brightnessINT = new PercentType(100)
        var HSBType lightOBJ = new HSBType(hueINT, saturationINT, brightnessINT)



This code results in

2019-10-19 19:46:13.621 [INFO ] [el.core.internal.ModelRepositoryImpl] - Validation issues found in configuration model 'Weather.rules', using it anyway:
The value of the local variable lightOBJ is not used
The value of the local variable lightOBJ is not used
The value of the local variable lightOBJ is not used
The value of the local variable lightOBJ is not used

Could there be something wrong with my if-else statements?



rule "Define Weather Event"
    Item Kueche_Schalter changed to ON 
    var DecimalType hueINT = null
    var PercentType saturationINT = null
    var PercentType brightnessINT = null
    var HSBType lightOBJ = null

    if (WarningLichTyp.state.toString.contains("Sturm")) {
        hueINT = new DecimalType(120)
        saturationINT = new PercentType(100) 
        brightnessINT = new PercentType(100)
    if (WarningLichTyp.state.toString.contains("Gewitter")) {
        hueINT = new DecimalType(360)
        saturationINT = new PercentType(100) 
        brightnessINT = new PercentType(100)
    if (WarningLichTyp.state.toString.contains("Frost")) {
        hueINT = new DecimalType(240)
        saturationINT = new PercentType(100) 
        brightnessINT = new PercentType(100)
    else {
        hueINT = new DecimalType(360)
        saturationINT = new PercentType(0) 
        brightnessINT = new PercentType(100)
    lightOBJ = new HSBType(hueINT, saturationINT, brightnessINT)

Thanks a lot, that solved the problem. I only had to change

  else {
        hueINT = new DecimalType(360)
        saturationINT = new PercentType(100) 
        brightnessINT = new PercentType(100)


if (WarningLichTyp.state.toString.contains("NULL")){
        hueINT = new DecimalType(360)
        saturationINT = new PercentType(100) 
        brightnessINT = new PercentType(100)

because that is the name of the weather warning type if no alarm is active.

Best regards,

Anyone know how to do in OH3? I found contains no longer support,
all my key rules use it. please help