Complex Alarm rules

I want to build a alarm system with multiple states and actions depending on what caused the alarm.

First some Setup Information
I’m running openHAB 2.3.0 on a local Debian 9 Server (x64, 8GB RAM).
My Smarthome componeds are mostly Homematic and I use the CCU2 as bridge with the homematic binding.

About myself
I’m a full time PHP Developer, but I don’t have any clue about Java

My plan is to have 2 armed states. One that ohnly checks if someone opens a door or window, and one that also checks for activity inside the home.

I also plan to have 3 alarm levels. Depending on the armed state, and what caused the alarm, I want to definie if the alarm starts on Level 1 or 2.

Currently I have items to define the armed state and the alarm level, and also some rules that react to this items.

In my old rule I had only a group with all Sensors and reacted to changes in the Group. But that has two problems. First i dosn’t work when one window is open (for example the sleeping room during night) and the second problem is that I don’t know which door has been opened.

My attemp as a PHP Programmer would be to save every state in an array, and when the group get’s an update compare these to see what items have changed. How can i do this in openHAB? I don’t want to go over the persitence becaus it is slow and in my test far away from reliable

You may want to check out triggering items, here is an example:

rule "Member pressed"
    Item group_1 received command or
    Item group_2 received command
   logInfo("GroupTest", "Member " + + " to " + triggeringItem.state)

You might find member of myGroup rule triggering helpful, as it allows identification of the triggering Item.

Looks like Member of goes into the right direction. But one problem left. How do I ignore windows that where already open at the moment of arming?

I think using ‘changed from … to …’ in the trigger should work:

    Member of MyGroup changed from CLOSED to OPEN

This won’t trigger if a window is already open and receives an OPEN update.

You can use an if condition in the rule that checks armed.state == ON as an example. If its off then the rule won’t continue.

from CLOSED to OPEN is not safe, because the wind could close the window and reopen it.

If you want to account for that possibility, the only way I can think of is to have a rule that triggers when the security system is armed which populates a “triggering group” with only the windows which are closed at that time. This triggering group is then used in the trigger of the main rule. Something like:

rule "Arm Security System"
    Item securitySystem changed to ON
    // Empty the trigger group
    trigGroup.members.forEach[ item | trigGroup.removeMember(item)]
    // Add back the closed windows
    WindowGroup.members.filter[s | s.state == CLOSED].forEach[item | trigGroup.addMember(item)]

Note, I haven’t tested this code and I’m not that familiar with dynamically creating groups, so this might need some modification to work correctly. You can see some similar examples here.

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That sounds good, I will test that.

Seems to work so far :slight_smile:

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