Configuration persistance and PaperUI bug

Dear Community!

I have a chart in my sitemap which shows my family members phone’s battery level. Most of them was configured through Paper UI. Today when I restarted the system, these items were gone from this chart. When I opened the configuration in Paper UI, there were no parent group selected, so I think that’s why it is not working. However I couldn’t re-add the group to these items. When I select the group save it, it says that “Item updated”, but if I reopen the config page, no group is shown there. Is there anything I’m missing? Or just a bug?
I have read somewhere that I need to use persistance, otherwise these data is gone when restarting, but I have restarted several times these days and it didn’t had any problems like this…


Can you post your items definitions, bindings and the log, thanks

Yes, here it is:

//Basic Items
DateTime Today "Today"

//Weather Items
Number   Temperature   "Forecast Temperature [%.1f °C]" <temperature> (TemperatureGroup, cTemp) {weather="locationId=home, type=temperature, property=current"}
Number   Temp_Feel     "Temperature feel [%.1f °C]" <temperature> (TemperatureGroup, cTemp) {weather="locationId=home, type=temperature, property=feel"}
Number   Humidity      "Humidity [%d %%]" <humidity>    (TemperatureGroup) {weather="locationId=home, type=atmosphere, property=humidity"}
String   Condition     "Condition [%s]"  <sun>   (TemperatureGroup)  {weather="locationId=home, type=condition, property=text"}
Number   Visibility    "Visibility [%.1f km]" <visibility> (TemperatureGroup) {weather="locationId=home, type=atmosphere, property=visibility"}
Number   Pressure      "Pressure [%.1f mb]"   <pressure> (TemperatureGroup) {weather="locationId=home, type=atmosphere, property=pressure"}
Number   Ozone         "Ozone [%d ppm]"  <sun>  (TemperatureGroup) {weather="locationId=home, type=atmosphere, property=ozone"}
Number   UV_Index      "UV Index [%d]"     <sun>        (TemperatureGroup) {weather="locationId=home, type=atmosphere, property=uvIndex, scale=0"}
Number   Wind_Speed    "Windspeed [%.1f km/h]" <wind> (TemperatureGroup)   {weather="locationId=home, type=wind, property=speed"}
Group cTemp

Switch Sonoff "Kitchen Lights" <light> (gKitchen) [ "Lighting" ] {mqtt=">[mosquitto:cmnd/sonoff/power:command:*:default],<[mosquitto:stat/sonoff/POWER:state:default]" }
String HarmonyHubButton

String Sonoff_Lwt "Kitchen Lights LastWill: [%s]" <controls_round> { mqtt="<[mosquitto:tele/sonoff/LWT:state:MAP(]" }
Number Sonoff_RSSI "Kitchen Lights RSSI: [%d%%]" <controls_round> { mqtt="<[mosquitto:tele/sonoff/STATE:state:JSONPATH($.Wifi.RSSI)]" }
String Sonoff_Current_FW_Available "Current Sonoff-Tasmota Release [%s]" <sonoff_basic> (Sonoff_Maintenance) { http="<[tasmotaRelease:10000:JSONPATH($[0].name)]"}
String	Sonoff_Action "Sonoff Action" <sonoff_basic>

String KristofIPhone_LocationString "Kristof Location [%s]" <presence>
String ReKaIPhone_LocationString "Reka Location [%s]" <presence>
String EdinaIPhone_LocationString "Edina Location [%s]" <presence>
String BandiPhone_LocationString "Bandi Location [%s]" <presence>

String Radio <radio>
String Sony { channel="harmonyhub:device:HarmonyHub:51475814:buttonPress" }
String Cisco { channel="harmonyhub:device:HarmonyHub:51081790:buttonPress" }

//Home and distance
Switch KristofIPhone_Home "Kristof Home or Away"
Switch ReKaIPhone_Home "Reka Home or Away"
Switch EdinaIPhone_Home "Edina Home or Away"
Switch BandiPhone_Home "Bandi Home or Away"
String Everyone_Home "Is Everyone at Home [%s]"  <presence>
Number battery_period <iphone>

Number BandiPhone_BatteryLevel "Bandi battery level [%d %%]" <battery> (iBattery) 
Location BandiPhone_Location
String BandiPhone_BatteryStatus "Bandi battery status"

However the other phone’s battery level are not in this item file, because it was set-up through PaperUI

The bindings which I use:

Sorry, but I was unable to upload my log. Should I look for something in it and post it there?

Also it seems, that I can’t even add anything to a group through PaperUI

You need to put the group item definition before the items belonging to that group

The temperature graph is working good despite the group definition was after the items. However I don’t have that Group (iBattery) here in the items list, because I have added that group through PaperUI and also added these items (phone batteries) through PaperUI which is also not here…

And now I have realised that all of the icons is gone after that restart which was set-up through PaperUI

I recommend setting up your items in files and not through the UI, although you should not have that problem.

Ok, I’ll try that. What is the easiest way? Deleting from PaperUI and adding a new item to the items file?

Delete your items in the Paper UI and unlink the things
Then define your items by hand in an items file
You’ll have far more control over them

Thanks, this solved the issue. Also other items which was set-up through PaperUI generated some error, I have added them in the items file, now these errors are gone!


Good, please like if you want and mark the thread as solved