Configurations for the eBUS-binding [3.4.0, 4.0.0]

Please remember that the ebus daemon is what makes the performance w.r.t. a zero roundtrip time.
Without this daemon, your adapter is not more than a standard ebus coupler like for instance my Esera LAN coupler and will have some disadvantages. If you accept these, this solution will be okay.

Hey Samuel,
i am still thinking about the “ens:IP:port” issue. The picture from John30 below and my experience lead me to the following understanding:

  1. You can connect to the adapter directly without ebusd. Then you use IP and port of the adapter and network driver “raw”.

  2. If ebusd (a piece of software on your Pi) is running as an interface between adapter (like in the picture below) and clients like openhab, my understanding is that you should connect your Pi (Pi’s IP) and the port to which ebusd is “served” (e.g. 8888). The device string starting with “ens:” should be a config/environment variable issue between ebusd and the adapter.

  3. openhab and the ebus binding can either connect to the adapter without ebusd (network driver “raw”) or to ebusd on your Pi with different IP and port than the adapter has (network driver “ebusd”).

I am not sure if this is what you have setup now as a working variant?

I have corrected a failure within the hmu08_config.json file w.r.t. “energy integral”. Thanks to @robbelt for detecting this.

@dk8pn you configuration files and floor plan are working like a charm.
One last missing thing is the data for COP and specific energy sum/yield for HC/HWC.
Currently I only have the overall energy sum, HC and HWC and the overall yield from VRC 700 general.
What I would need in addition is the total yield HC and HWC so that I can calculate everything else from it.

Do you know how to find the configuration for this data?

I also mentioned that my calaculated COP (total yield / energy sum) is far less (3) than the COP on the Vaillant display (3,5).

Hi Samuel, nice to hear from you again. Didn’t take care of tese 2 values up to now but will have a look to it and come back to you.

In the “myVaillant” app they are available but this doesn’t necessarily mean that they are available on EBUS. I carried out my COP calculation using the sum of consumed power HC + HWC and the total yield (power out of the air).

If your COP is insufficient, you might test the “whispering mode”. I got this hint from an Vaillant service man. The effect is that the compressor runs longer and with less starts. This should also result in an improved compressor lifetime. HWC storage loading takes now a bit longer, lets say approx. 45 min. in “whispering mode” vs 30 min. in normal mode.

Hi Samuel,
i have something to play with. I am not yet 100% happy, but the 2 yield figures you are looking for are valid. My initial conclusion was not right because the total yield value of the VRC700 (contained in the ebus binding) was not up to date.

The sum of the HC and HWC yield figures is equal to the total yield figure we alrady had from the VRC700 thing. The monthly values need more research. It’s unclear for me weather this is the last calendar month or the last month from now?

The myVaillant app allows data extraction for day, week, calendar month and calendar year but no total yield.

Here is a new .json-file which probably needs more research:
yield_config.json (5.5 KB)

Let me know what you think and have a nice weekend.

Regards, Willi

Wow this was really fast and looks great for me.
I have quickly added it to my openHAB and will have a look to the values over time.
I don’t have the myVaillant app so this is really smart for me to get all values.
The only way for me to get the values is go to the vaillant device.

Good that you can use it. Next step here is that i will go to my unit and see what it shows directly.

The “myVaillant” app is a cloud based application. The differences i see here for the efficiency values might be due to differences between cloud calculations and local calculations within the controller?

My efficiency values also might suffer by a heatpump defect in January 2023 where my pump ran for 5 weeks on the internal heater (zero energy out of the air). Don’t know how Vaillant takes such special events into account.

Verified the controller values of the heatpump indoor unit. Modified the monthly yield (this is from the actually running month) within the .json file above to factor 0.1. Now all values, incl. the monthly COPs of the yield .json file match to the heatpump controller unit.

Some differences to the myVaillant app remain unclarified for now.

General information on the Vaillant expert menue (uniTower controller):

  • Parameters T.0.x are from the outdoor unit (e.g. VML105/6) and part of the ebus communication (examples: compressor data, temperatures and pressures)

  • Parameters T.1.x are from the indoor unit (e.g. uniTower VIH QW 190/6 E) and are not part of the ebus communication (examples: VUV switching cycles, power data of the additional heater)

Wow you did really geat work.
Thank you very much for this.
I didn’t get the last changes you made.
Are they in the file above? And what did you change?
This first file already seemed to be valid for me.

The data you looked for was already valid initially. For the monthly yields (running month) of HC and HWC i changed the “factor” from 1.0 to 0.1. Have updated the changes within the .json file above.

I am new to this topic and after reading ad trying a lot I would request some help.
I have installed a Ebus adapter shield V5 as linked in post #14.
The adapter is integrated into my network through Wifi.
The green LED is flickering, so I assume the connection to the ebus of my Weishaupt WTC25-A is correct.
I am running openHAB 4.2.0.M1 (milestone build) on a RPI3.
Installed the eBUS Binding 4.x [4.0.0;5.0.0) from marketplace.
After istallation also the ebus multi binding was installed.

I added the Thing “bridge” using this binding.
this is the configuration:

Now, my issue is that I do not get any values in the channels of the bridge.
All linked items stick at 0.

Shouldn’t I expect to see at least changes in the numbers here?
What can I do to debug?


The network driver should be set to “ebusd”.

HI Willibald,

thanks for the quick reply.

Changing the network driver to ebusd binding gets stuck in initialization.
Wouldn’t I need to change the network port as well?


You have to cunfigurate the ebusd on your system like I have descibed above.

Replace the IP with your eBUS Adapter Adress.
Im running the adapter shield with software version 20240106 which works fine for me.
There are newer versions but I had some problems with the next version, so I did downgrade again.
Maybe the newest version will work but I didnt try it out.

I currently try to cool with the vaillant aerotherm and my ventilation system.
Do you think it is also possible to get access to the flow temperature for cooling with the eBus device?

Acc. to my understanding the heatpump is operated in inverter mode for cooling. The 4-way inverter valve is responsible for this. During the heating period its used to defreeze the outdoor unit’s heat exchanger if its very cold outside. The heat flow for cooling mode is vice versa than in winter time.

But the flow temperature should be the same as for heating, only significantly lower.

There is a seperate setting for cooling temperature.
In german language you can find it here:
Einstellungen, Fachhandwerkerebene, Anlagenkofiguration, Kreis 1, Min. Vorlaufsolltemp. KĂŒhlen

Yes, this is the minimum flow temperature which can be set in cooling mode. This only represents the lower limit which can be set.

Cooling mode: if you have a floor heating system, “cold” water with approx. 18°C flow temperature is pumped through the floor heating system. The result is a by 3 degrees lower room temperature than without cooling. This is what Vaillant propagates. I think lower temperatures would quickly cause indoor condensation problems, similar as visible in the outdoor unit of the heatpump.

The actual flow temperature is in my view the same as for heating. The min. limits are different and activated by the mode (e.g. 28°C for heating and e.g. 18°C for cooling).

I will have a look to the ebus telegram for the min. flow temperature for cooling.