Configurations for the eBUS-binding [3.4.0, 4.0.0]

The purpose of this topic is to exchange special configurations which are not part of the ebus binding and cannot be retrieved 1:1 through ebusd configurations provided by John30 on Github.

Hello Veit (@Veitk ),

in the meantime i have extended the features in order to control my Vaillant heat pump VML105/6. The ebus binding already contains the standard configurations (VRC700/720) for the following 4 things:

  1. Vaillant VRC 720 General (polling 100 secs)

  2. Vaillant VRC 720 Heating Circuit 1 (polling 90 secs)

  3. Vaillant VRC 720 Hot Water Circuit 1 (polling 130 secs)

  4. Vaillant VRC 720 Zone 1 (polling 110 secs)

Beyond this basic setup i use 2 custom configuration files for another two things:

  1. Vaillant Circulation Pump (no polling),
    Circulation_Pump_config.json (805 Bytes)
    Use the pump ON/OFF state together with the following hardware feature in order to save energy. Installed a Homematic switch configured as push button. The switch contact (closer) is connected to the HMU board connector X41 (terminals FB and 0). Thus, a push button cycle activates the circulation pump for 5 minutes (Vaillant default time). By this way, the hot water circulation can be demanded by an Alexa command “water on”. This is rather comfortable and my wife likes it. Measured that the hot water storage temperature degradation changed by factor 8 if i compare “circualtion on” versus “circulation off”. In practice, demanding “water on” for a couple of times per day, this factor is still 4-5.

  2. Vaillant HMU Main Board (polling 60 secs),
    hmu08_config.json (24.3 KB)

This file contains many expert level parameters which provide a better insight into the function of the heatpump outdoor unit.

I also want to underline here that it was Cor (@Chiuaua79) who taught me a lot to understand the ebus telegrams.

Use different polling times for the various things in order to minimize the “send queue is full” error. Have not been able to eliminate this error completely but it doesn’t longer worry me as initially. Assume that it is difficult to get rid of this error with overall roughly 80 different ebus items configured for my heat pump.

The ebus hex codes have been retrieved using ebusd and commands “ebusctl grab” and “ebusctl grab result decode”. This has not been that difficult. Thus, live monitoring data, statistical data as well as expert level data of the Vaillant heat pump can be accessed.

For production i still use the ESERA LAN ebus coupler which is much better than its image if configured right. Of utmost importance is to set the “data packing condition” timer to 2ms (default is 0ms).

Best regards,

Beside standard sitemap functionality, i have setup 2 openHAB “pages” as “floor plan” with “markers”. The “markers” can be configured to show the bare item state as well as an icon at the side. See the following examples:

  • Vaillant VML105/6 outdoor unit (within this example currently running for hot water storage loading)

All parameters, except the heat power to the building (here 11.4 kW) and the COP, are provided by hmu08_config.json and related items. The residual heat power (sum of electrical energy of the compressor and power gained out of the air) is calculated by this rule:

rule "Heizleistung der Wärmepumpe aus HMU08 Statistik"
	    Item VaillantHMUMainBoard_AktuelleStromaufnahme received update
		Heizleistung_Waermepumpe.postUpdate((VaillantHMUMainBoard_AktuelleStromaufnahme.state as Number + VaillantHMUMainBoard_AktuelleLeistungausderLuft.state as Number)/1000)

The current coefficient of performance (COP) is calculated by the following rule:

rule "COP der Wärmepumpe aus HMU08 Statistik"
	    Item VaillantHMUMainBoard_AktuelleLeistungausderLuft received update
		COP_VaillantWaermepumpe.postUpdate((VaillantHMUMainBoard_AktuelleStromaufnahme.state as Number + VaillantHMUMainBoard_AktuelleLeistungausderLuft.state as Number + 0.001) / (VaillantHMUMainBoard_AktuelleStromaufnahme.state as Number + 0.001))
  • Vaillant VIH QW 190/6 E indoor unit (uniTower)

For the indoor unit not all parameters are available through ebus because the controller is already sitting in the indoor unit and doesn’t need it. So, for instance parameters of the additional heater can’t be accessed through ebus. Same is for the VUV switching cycles (Schaltspiele VUV) which are calculated by a rule based on hot water storage loading cycles.

rule "Berechnung VUV Schaltvorgänge weil ebus nicht verwendet wird"
	    Item VaillantVRC700hotwatercircuit_HWCflowtemperaturetemperature changed
		if( (VaillantVRC700hotwatercircuit_HWCflowtemperaturetemperature.state as QuantityType<Number>).intValue <= 25 ) {
		VaillantHMUMainBoard_SchaltvorgangeVUVWarmwasser.postUpdate(VaillantHMUMainBoard_SchaltvorgangeVUVWarmwasser.state as Number + 1)

The background pictures have been created by Powerpoint and saved as .png files. Here are the .png files.

Can provide the original .pptx file in case a user wants to carry out adaptations (outfit, language etc.) by email on request (can’t be uploaded here).

The background files need to be stored in the folder C:\openHAB\conf\html (i am a Windows10 user).
In the page setup the background picture is referenced as relative path like this: /static/VML105_6_out.png

As a start point for the marker setup, i provide my outdoor unit page as YAML file here:

  backgroundColor: white
  imageHeight: 480
  imageUrl: /static/VML105_6_out.png
  imageWidth: 640
  label: Wärmepumpe VML105/6 Outdoor
  order: "2"
  sidebar: true
    - role:administrator
    - role:user
  - component: oh-plan-marker
      coords: 379.1924793102342,44.321198880416986
      iconUseState: false
      item: Vaillant_HMU_Main_Board_Luft_Einlass_Temperatur
      name: Lufteinlasstemperatur
      tooltipFontSize: 20px
      tooltipPermanent: false
      useTooltipAsLabel: true
      default: []
  - component: oh-plan-marker
      coords: 414.89566729723674,550.93712497185
      item: Vaillant_HMU_Main_Board_Vorlauf_Temperatur
      name: Vorlauftemperatur Heizkreis
      tooltipFontSize: 20px
      useTooltipAsLabel: true
      default: []
  - component: oh-plan-marker
      coords: 439.51855556413506,193.9052451018243
      item: Vaillant_HMU_Main_Board_Schaltzustand_4WegeVentil
      name: Schaltstellung 4-Wege Inverter Ventil
      tooltipFontSize: 20px
      tooltipPermanent: false
      useTooltipAsLabel: true
      default: []
  - component: oh-plan-marker
      coords: 306.5549589228841,581.1001630988004
      item: Vaillant_HMU_Main_Board_Leistung_Gebaudepumpe
      name: Leistung WILO-Gebäudepumpe
      tooltipFontSize: 20px
      tooltipPermanent: false
      useTooltipAsLabel: true
      default: []
  - component: oh-plan-marker
      coords: 317.6352586429884,218.52813336872262
      item: Vaillant_HMU_Main_Board_Kompressor_Einlass_Temperatur
      name: Kompressor Einlasstemperatur
      tooltipFontSize: 20px
      useTooltipAsLabel: true
      default: []
  - component: oh-plan-marker
      coords: 303.4770978895218,216.68141674870526
      item: Vaillant_HMU_Main_Board_Niederdruck_Kaltekreis
      name: Niederdruck Kältekreis (Kompressor Einlass)
      tooltipFontSize: 20px
      useTooltipAsLabel: true
      default: []
  - component: oh-plan-marker
      coords: 220.99042219541246,379.80805151690663
      item: Vaillant_HMU_Main_Board_Kompressor_Auslass_Temperatur
      name: Kompressor Auslasstemperatur
      tooltipFontSize: 20px
      useTooltipAsLabel: true
      default: []
  - component: oh-plan-marker
      coords: 206.83226144194592,372.42118503683713
      item: Vaillant_HMU_Main_Board_Hochdruck_Kaltekreis
      name: Hochdruck Kältekreis
      tooltipFontSize: 20px
      useTooltipAsLabel: true
      default: []
  - component: oh-plan-marker
      coords: 233.91743853553407,224.06828322877476
      item: VaillantHMUMainBoard_KompressorModulation
      name: Kompressor Modulation
      tooltipFontSize: 20px
      useTooltipAsLabel: true
      default: []
  - component: oh-plan-marker
      coords: 219.14370557539507,219.75927778206753
      item: Vaillant_HMU_Main_Board_Kompressor_Drehzahl
      name: Kompressor Drehzahl
      tooltipFontSize: 20px
      useTooltipAsLabel: true
      default: []
  - component: oh-plan-marker
      coords: 181.59380096837515,289.9345093427278
      item: VaillantHMUMainBoard_AktuelleStromaufnahme
      name: Aktuelle Stromaufnahme Kompressor
      tooltipColor: red
      tooltipFontSize: 20px
      useTooltipAsLabel: true
      default: []
  - component: oh-plan-marker
      coords: 181.59380096837515,31.39418254029536
      item: VaillantHMUMainBoard_AktuelleLeistungausderLuft
      name: Umweltgewinn
      tooltipColor: green
      tooltipFontSize: 20px
      tooltipPermanent: false
      useTooltipAsLabel: true
      default: []
  - component: oh-plan-marker
      coords: 243.15102163562094,142.8127519480103
      item: Vaillant_HMU_Main_Board_VerdampfungsTemperatur
      name: Verdampfungstemperatur
      tooltipFontSize: 20px
      useTooltipAsLabel: true
      default: []
  - component: oh-plan-marker
      coords: 243.15102163562094,460.44801059099865
      item: Vaillant_HMU_Main_Board_KondensationsTemperatur
      name: Kondensationstemperatur
      tooltipFontSize: 20px
      useTooltipAsLabel: true
      default: []
  - component: oh-plan-marker
      coords: 80.02438686741955,580.484590892128
      item: VaillantHMUMainBoard_HeizwasserDurchflussrate
      name: DurchfluĂźrate Heizkreis
      tooltipFontSize: 20px
      useTooltipAsLabel: true
      default: []
  - component: oh-plan-marker
      coords: 29.54746592027799,145.2750407747001
      item: Vaillant_HMU_Main_Board_EEV_Auslass_Temperatur
      name: EEV Auslasstemperatur
      tooltipFontSize: 20px
      tooltipPermanent: false
      useTooltipAsLabel: true
      default: []
  - component: oh-plan-marker
      coords: 28.93189371360553,305.3238145095392
      item: Vaillant_HMU_Main_Board_Position_Expansionsventil
      name: EEV Position
      tooltipFontSize: 20px
      tooltipPermanent: false
      useTooltipAsLabel: true
      default: []
  - component: oh-plan-marker
      coords: 29.54746592027799,449.98328307756685
      item: Vaillant_HMU_Main_Board_Kondensator_Auslass_Temperatur
      name: Kondensator Auslasstemperatur
      tooltipFontSize: 20px
      useTooltipAsLabel: true
      default: []
  - component: oh-plan-marker
      coords: 347.7982967699388,-20
      icon: oh:fan
      item: Vaillant_HMU_Main_Board_Leistung_Lufter_1
      name: Leistung LĂĽfter 1
      tooltipColor: magenta
      tooltipDirection: right
      tooltipFontSize: 20px
      tooltipOffsetX: 15
      tooltipPermanent: true
      default: []
  - component: oh-plan-marker
      coords: 146.50618518804504,-20
      icon: oh:fan
      item: Vaillant_HMU_Main_Board_Leistung_Lufter_2
      name: Leistung LĂĽfter 2
      tooltipColor: magenta
      tooltipDirection: right
      tooltipFontSize: 20px
      tooltipOffsetX: 15
      tooltipPermanent: true
      default: []
  - component: oh-plan-marker
      coords: 307.7861033362291,-20
      icon: oh:time
      item: VaillantHMUMainBoard_BetriebsstundenLufter1
      name: Betriebsstunden LĂĽfter 1
      tooltipColor: magenta
      tooltipDirection: right
      tooltipFontSize: 20px
      tooltipOffsetX: 15
      tooltipPermanent: true
      default: []
  - component: oh-plan-marker
      coords: 269.0050543158642,-20
      icon: classic:start
      item: VaillantHMUMainBoard_StartsLufter1
      name: Starts LĂĽfter 1
      tooltipColor: magenta
      tooltipDirection: right
      tooltipFontSize: 20px
      tooltipOffsetX: 15
      tooltipPermanent: true
      default: []
  - component: oh-plan-marker
      coords: 108.34070837435263,-20
      icon: oh:time
      item: VaillantHMUMainBoard_BetriebsstundenLufter2
      name: Betriebsstunden LĂĽfter 2
      tooltipColor: magenta
      tooltipDirection: right
      tooltipFontSize: 20px
      tooltipOffsetX: 15
      tooltipPermanent: true
      default: []
  - component: oh-plan-marker
      coords: 68.9440871473153,-20
      icon: classic:start
      item: VaillantHMUMainBoard_StartsLufter2
      name: Starts LĂĽfter 2
      tooltipColor: magenta
      tooltipDirection: right
      tooltipFontSize: 20px
      tooltipOffsetX: 15
      tooltipPermanent: true
      default: []
  - component: oh-plan-marker
      coords: 139.11931870797554,290.5500815494002
      icon: oh:time
      item: VaillantHMUMainBoard_BetriebsstundenKompressor
      name: Kompressor Betriebsstunden
      tooltipColor: magenta
      tooltipDirection: right
      tooltipFontSize: 20px
      tooltipOffsetX: 15
      tooltipPermanent: true
      default: []
  - component: oh-plan-marker
      coords: 137.8881742946306,365.6498907634401
      icon: classic:start
      item: VaillantHMUMainBoard_KompressorStarts
      name: Kompressor Starts
      tooltipColor: magenta
      tooltipDirection: right
      tooltipFontSize: 20px
      tooltipOffsetX: 15
      tooltipPermanent: true
      default: []
  - component: oh-plan-marker
      coords: 180.97822876170267,576.1755854454208
      item: Heizleistung_Waermepumpe
      name: Heizleistung Wärmepumpe
      tooltipColor: darkred
      tooltipFontSize: 20px
      tooltipPermanent: false
      useTooltipAsLabel: true
      default: []
  - component: oh-plan-marker
      coords: 229.60843308882687,643.8885281793912
      name: COP
      tooltip: "COP:"
      tooltipColor: blue
      tooltipFontSize: 20px
      tooltipPermanent: false
      useTooltipAsLabel: true
      default: []
  - component: oh-plan-marker
      coords: 229.60843308882687,676.5138551330315
      item: COP_VaillantWaermepumpe
      name: Effizienz
      tooltipColor: blue
      tooltipFontSize: 20px
      useTooltipAsLabel: true
      default: []
  - component: oh-plan-marker
      coords: 226.53057205546457,547.8592639384877
      item: Vaillant_HMU_Main_Board_Rucklauf_Temperatur
      name: RĂĽcklauftemperatur Heizkreis
      tooltipFontSize: 20px
      useTooltipAsLabel: true
      default: []
  - component: oh-plan-marker
      coords: 346.5671523565939,669.7425608596344
      icon: oh:pressure
      iconRotation: 0
      item: VaillantVRC700general_Waterpressure
      name: New Marker
      tooltipColor: magenta
      tooltipDirection: top
      tooltipFontSize: 20px
      tooltipOffsetY: -15
      tooltipPermanent: true
      useTooltipAsLabel: false
      default: []
  - component: oh-plan-marker
      coords: 267.7739099025193,538.6256808384009
      name: Warmwasser
      tooltip: 100% = Warmwasser
      tooltipFontSize: 20px
      tooltipPermanent: false
      useTooltipAsLabel: true
      default: []
  - component: oh-plan-marker
      coords: 136.6570298812857,216.68141674870526
      name: Kompressor
      tooltip: "Kompressor:"
      tooltipFontSize: 20px
      tooltipPermanent: false
      useTooltipAsLabel: true
      default: []
  - component: oh-plan-marker
      coords: 291.7812259627451,356.4163076633532
      item: Vaillant_HMU_Main_Board_Kompressor_Heizwendel
      name: Heizwendel Kompressor
      tooltipColor: magenta
      tooltipDirection: bottom
      tooltipFontSize: 20px
      tooltipOffsetY: 15
      tooltipPermanent: false
      useTooltipAsLabel: true
      default: []
  - component: oh-plan-marker
      coords: 425.975967017341,8.618010893414413
      icon: oh:line
      item: VaillantHMUMainBoard_EnergieIntegral
      name: Enerie Integral
      tooltipColor: magenta
      tooltipFontSize: 20px
      tooltipOffsetX: 15
      tooltipPermanent: true
      default: []
  - component: oh-plan-marker
      coords: 448.75213866422195,9.849155306759329
      name: Energie Integral Text
      tooltip: "Energie Integral:"
      tooltipFontSize: 20px
      useTooltipAsLabel: true
      default: []
  - component: oh-plan-marker
      coords: 291.1656537560727,571.8665799987135
      item: VaillantHMUMainBoard_BetriebsstundenGebaudepumpe
      name: Betriebsstunden Gebäudepumpe
      tooltipFontSize: 20px
      useTooltipAsLabel: true
      default: []
  - component: oh-plan-marker
      coords: 422.8981059839787,177.9003677283404
      item: VaillantHMUMainBoard_Schaltvorgange4WegeVentil
      name: Schaltspiele 4-Wege Inverter Ventil
      tooltipFontSize: 20px
      useTooltipAsLabel: true
      default: []
  - component: oh-plan-marker
      coords: 422.8981059839787,202.5232559952387
      name: Schaltspiele VUV Label
      tooltip: Schaltsp.
      tooltipFontSize: 20px
      useTooltipAsLabel: true
      default: []
  - component: oh-plan-marker
      coords: 90.48911438085133,374.883473863527
      item: Vaillant_HMU_Main_Board_Kondensatwannen_Heizung
      name: Heizung Kondensatwanne
      tooltipColor: magenta
      tooltipFontSize: 20px
      useTooltipAsLabel: true
      default: []
  - component: oh-plan-marker
      coords: 304.7082423028668,650.6598224527883
      icon: classic:start
      item: VaillantHMUMainBoard_GebaudepumpeStarts
      name: Starts Gebäudepumpe
      tooltipColor: magenta
      tooltipDirection: right
      tooltipFontSize: 20px
      tooltipOffsetX: 15
      tooltipPermanent: true
      default: []

And the setup for the indoor unit page /static/VML105_6_in.png as YAML file here:

  backgroundColor: white
  imageHeight: 480
  imageUrl: /static/VML105_6_in.png
  imageWidth: 640
  label: Wärmepumpe VML105/6 Indoor
  order: "1"
  sidebar: true
    - role:administrator
    - role:user
  - component: oh-plan-marker
      coords: 285.0099316893481,538.6256808384009
      item: VaillantCirculationPump_StatusHWCCirculationPump
      name: Zirkulationspumpe
      tooltipColor: magenta
      tooltipFontSize: 20px
      useTooltipAsLabel: true
      default: []
  - component: oh-plan-marker
      coords: 445.0587054241872,322.559836296368
      item: Vaillant_HMU_Main_Board_Vorlauf_Temperatur
      name: Vorlauftemperatur Heizkreis
      tooltipFontSize: 20px
      useTooltipAsLabel: true
      default: []
  - component: oh-plan-marker
      coords: 288.7033649293829,338.5647136698519
      item: VaillantVRC700hotwatercircuit_HWCstoragetemptemperature
      name: New Marker
      tooltipFontSize: 20px
      useTooltipAsLabel: true
      default: []
  - component: oh-plan-marker
      coords: 230.83957750217178,471.5283103111029
      item: VaillantVRC700hotwatercircuit_HWCflowtemperaturetemperature
      name: Zustand Vorrang-Umschalt-Ventil
      tooltipFontSize: 20px
      useTooltipAsLabel: true
      default: []
  - component: oh-plan-marker
      coords: 140.9660353279929,482.60861003120715
      item: VaillantHMUMainBoard_SchaltvorgangeVUVWarmwasser
      name: Schaltspiele VUV
      tooltipFontSize: 20px
      useTooltipAsLabel: true
      default: []
  - component: oh-plan-marker
      coords: 125.57673016118144,347.7982967699388
      icon: oh:pressure
      item: VaillantVRC700general_Waterpressure
      name: Wasserdruck Heizkreis
      tooltipColor: magenta
      tooltipDirection: bottom
      tooltipFontSize: 20px
      tooltipOffsetY: 15
      tooltipPermanent: true
      useTooltipAsLabel: false
      default: []
  - component: oh-plan-marker
      coords: 416.74238391725413,674.667138513014
      icon: oh:radiator
      iconSize: 120
      name: Heizkörper
      tooltipPermanent: true
      default: []
  - component: oh-plan-marker
      coords: 320.0975474696782,677.1294273397039
      icon: classic:shower
      iconSize: 100
      name: Dusche
      tooltipPermanent: true
      useTooltipAsLabel: false
      default: []
  - component: oh-plan-marker
      coords: 96,441.5
      icon: oh:water
      item: VaillantHMUMainBoard_BetriebsstundenWarmwasser
      name: Betriebsstunden Warmwasser
      tooltipColor: magenta
      tooltipDirection: right
      tooltipFontSize: 20px
      tooltipOffsetX: 16
      tooltipPermanent: true
      default: []
  - component: oh-plan-marker
      coords: 61.55722066724581,439.51855556413506
      icon: oh:radiator
      item: VaillantHMUMainBoard_BetriebsstundenHeizkreis
      name: Betriebsstunden Wärmepumpe Total
      tooltipColor: magenta
      tooltipDirection: right
      tooltipFontSize: 20px
      tooltipOffsetX: 19
      tooltipPermanent: true
      default: []
  - component: oh-plan-marker
      coords: 91.72025879419625,527.5453811182966
      name: Betriebsstunden WW text
      tooltip: Betriebsstunden Warmwasser
      tooltipFontSize: 20px
      useTooltipAsLabel: true
      default: []
  - component: oh-plan-marker
      coords: 58.47935963388352,527.5453811182966
      name: Betriebsstunden Heizen Text
      tooltip: Betriebsstunden Heizen
      tooltipFontSize: 20px
      useTooltipAsLabel: true
      default: []
  - component: oh-plan-marker
      coords: 345.336007943249,462.91029941768846
      icon: classic:level
      name: Pumpenregler
      tooltipPermanent: true
      default: []
  - component: oh-plan-marker
      coords: 179.1315121416853,56.632643013866144
      item: Vaillant_HMU_Main_Board_Rucklauf_Temperatur
      name: RĂĽcklauf Temperatur Indoor
      tooltipFontSize: 20px
      useTooltipAsLabel: true
      default: []

The YAML code can be copied into the appropriate pages.

I apologize that many items are in German but at the time i have created them, i didn’t imagine to publish them here. Please regard this as a bit of German language training :wink:.

1 Like

Exchanged the indoor unit functional diagram/picture within the post above. The circulation pump location has been initially wrong. It is sitting in the circulation return pipe with a pump flow direction towards the hot water storage. Exchanged the indoor unit YAML file accordingly.

Hello Willibald,
you have done really good work on this.
Thank you very much for sharing this with us.

Sadly its not working for me.
I will share my configuration with you.
Would be nice if you could help me to get a running setup.

I have openhabian 3.4.4 running on a Respi 4.
eBus Binding is installed with version (3.4.0,4.0.0].
ebusd is installed with version
As Bridge I’m using the eBUS Adapter 5 (Build 20230618)

Adapter configuration:

Binding configuration:

The binding is working if I manually start ebusd in the console:

I do also receive data on the VRC 700 general device:

Sadly the other devices alway stay on “NULL” and dont get data.

From “ebusctl i” I get following output:

And from “ebusctl find” I get this one:

At least the openhab:ebus gives me following information:

So I’m not sure if the configuration is correct because the device list stays empty.

Also I dont know if my heatpump is the same as yours? (“MF=Vaillant;ID=HMU00;SW=0607;HW=5103”)

Because I dont get an idntifier out of the device list, I have tried the ID from “ebusctl find” (scan.08 id = 21;22;39;0010021118;0001;015946;N7) and placed this one in to the hmu08 config file without success.

Try to help you but need to dig through the points step by step. First points:

  1. In the bridge configuration of the binding you should use IP and port of the ebusd adapter, here and port 9999. I wonder how you get at least some results using your workaround way?

  2. I use ebusd adapter 3 but only to retrieve the required ebus codes for my custom files. I remember that i had problems with the setting under point 5 (see picture below). Using WiFi, i have not been able to apply the high speed settings. For production i use the Esera LAN ebus coupler.

  3. Here are my ebus devices shown in openhab:

  4. You need to regard that the ebusd uses the configuration from John30’s .csv files while the ebus binding applies its own .json files integrated within the binding. I have no experience using the ebusd network driver for the openhab bridge.

  5. My heatpump is a VML105/6. The HMU is the main controller board sitting in the outdoor unit.

  6. ebusctl i

  7. ebusctl find
    Cut all the items loaded through the .csv files from the response on “ebusctl find”. As far as my knowledge goes, the units are:
    HMU: main controller board sitting in the outdoor unit
    720: contains everything which is VRC700… stuff within the openhab ebus binding
    VWZIO: hydraulic module
    NETX2: internet module VRC920

  8. It is normal that you will have unresolved telegrams (in my setup still 34%) because there is a lot going on Vaillant internally which is neither covered by the openhab binding configuration nor by John30’s ebusd config files.

Hope that you will make progress and i will come back with further hints later.

The problem ist that if I set the binding configuration to connect directly with the adapter, it get’s stuck in the Initialisation:

There is no error log in openhab or the eBUS adapter so I don’t know where it fails.
Propably a problem on the binding side because the ebusd in the console works fine?

Were you ever been able to establish a valid connection from openhab to the eBUS adapter?

When connecting directly to the adapter from openHab do not use network driver “ebusd” but select one of the serial drivers.

With diretly to the adapter I mean to it’s IP adress over wifi and not to the localhost on ebusd.

I know. I am also directly connected from openHab to the adapter (and not ebusd). But your screenshot shows network driver ebusd. You should change that to nrjavaserial or another serial driver.

And consecutively stop ebusd to prevent connection conflicts.

EDIT: Oops… network driver should be raw. Not responding from home :sweat_smile:

Sorry Willibald for highjacking your topic, I thought it might also help other people.
Maybe we should start another one for this problem.

@Chiuaua79 I am a little bit confused because I thought the comminucation with the adapter over tcp will always be ebusd.
The RAW setting works a little bit better because now the “Roundtrip time” is counting up, but there are no received or resolved telegrams.

No problem using this topic. I think that Cor already gave you the right hints. Beside the Esera LAN coupler i can use the following different way:

  1. Ebusd from John30 is not running anywhere.

  2. Then i connect to the ebusd adapter 3 over WiFi, the adapters IP and port and the “raw” network driver (not “ebusd” as i stated initially) of the ebus binding in openhab. This definetely works out.

  3. In order to retrieve ebus telegrams i run an ebusd image from John30 in a docker Windows10 terminal (one way to run Linux under Windows10). This is completely independend from openhab.

Have one more question: do we talk about an ebusd adapter 5 sitting on the same Pi where openhab is running or is it a standalone adapter which needs to be connected over WiFi?

It is this adapter not connected to the Pi by hardware but over Wifi:

Then you need to setup the bridge using WiFi IP and port and network driver “raw” (not “ebusd” like i stated initially). But on your Pi, as Cor already said, you need to stop the ebus daemon.

If I do this than the binding get’s stuck in the initialization again.
I have stopped the deamon and also removed it but this didn’t change anything.
I can also disable and enable the binding and see the status of the adapted connected and not connected.
So I am pretty sure that there is nothing other trying to connect.

@dk8pn, when connecting directly to the adapter, shouldn’t network driver be “raw”? I don’t know if this has changed (did not follow development of the adapter for v3 and further), but driver ebusd was only for connecting to an ebusd instance where ebusd does the communication with the adapter.

As I understand the description both is possible.
If you use “IP:Port” than you are using the raw protocol and if you use “ens:IP:Port” than you should use ebusd.
But I am not sure if the binding is compatible to the “ens:IP” configuration.
So you might be correct and the driver should be set to raw.


Just switched over from my Esera LAN bridge to the “ebusd adapter 3” WiFi bridge. Cor was right and the network driver needs to be raw and not ebusd.

But this configuration does of course not have the advantages of ebusd w.r.t. a zero roundtrip time.

If i apply the ebusd network driver, i need to start the daemon within the Windows docker desktop first. Then, within the openhab ebus bridge, i connect to the computers IP (here and port (here 8888) where the docker desktop with ebusd is running. IP and port are now not those of the ebusd adapter 3. This setup takes now full advantage of ebusd. Its a bit complicated because i am a Windows10 user. Using a Pi, this should be much simpler because docker is not needed and openhab can run on the same Unix computer than ebusd.

In docker, the ebusd image needs environment variable settings. Here i have EBUSD_OPTS (see the screenshot below) where i use the “ens:” acc. to John30’s descriptions. But the openhab binding bridge requires “naked” IP and port.

I hope that i didn’t confuse you and that it contributes in some way to a solution:

Thank you both for your help.
I got a working configuration now.
I switched back to use ebusd again with the “ens” device string.
Openhab connected to the localhost deamon.

Here some screenshots for those who have the same issues:

ebusd configuration:

Adapter configuration:

Autostart ebusd: “sudo systemctl enable ebusd”

Some conclution for the binding developers (@csowada ?):
Probably if the binding would accept the ebus device string “ens:” there should be a direct connection possible, without the ebusd deamon running in between.

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