OK, so your thing file could look something like this:
Bridge mqtt:broker:MosquittoMqttBroker "Mosquitto MQTT Broker" [host="", secure=false]
// Switch Light
Thing mqtt:topic:Brilliant "Light switch" {
Type switch : switch "Power Switch" [
then an items file could include:
Switch sBrilliantSwitch "Brilliant Light Switch" { channel="mqtt:topic:Brilliant:switch" }
and the sitemap could include:
Switch item=sBrilliantSwitch label="Brilliant Light" icon="light"
That covers the basic on/off for the light. I notice the MQTT payload includes dimmer and colour - is this a lightbulb? This link may also be useful, as it includes an example channel setup for the colour and dimmer:
EDIT: Also, make sure you have the MQTT binding installed (not v1), and the JSONPath transformation (for the dimmer and colour stuff). You can do this via the PaperUI.
- PaperUI → Add-ons → Bindings → MQTT Binding → Install
- PaperUI → Add-ons → Transformations → JSONPath Transformation → Install