Connect Android TV Binding for Alexa control

Hello, im absolutly new to OpenHAB. My final plans are to controll my Panasonic TV with Android TV with my Alexa (my Panasonic TV has no Alexa integration, only Google Assistant)

Dokumentation says the following:

For the AndroidTV to be successfully accessed an on-screen PIN authentication is required on the first connection.
To begin the PIN process, send the text “REQUEST” to the pincode channel while watching your AndroidTV. A 6 digit PIN should be displayed on the screen.
To complete the PIN process, send the PIN displayed to the pincode channel. The display should return back to where it was originally.
If you are on a ShieldTV you must run that process a second time to authenticate the GoogleTV protocol stack.
This completes the PIN process. Upon reconnection (either from reconfiguration or a restart of OpenHAB), you should now see a message of “Login Successful” in openhab.log

My First Problem ist to Establish a working Android TV Binding.
I already created an item “GoogleTV_Pin_Code” linked with the PINCODE Channel. After i went to API explorer and
POST /items/GoogleTV_Pin_Code

as command i inserted REQUEST and hit execute

this was my response (200)

 content-length: 0  
 content-type: text/plain  
 date: Mon,08 May 2023 12:15:07 GMT  
 server: Jetty(9.4.46.v20220331) 

Where is my misstake and could you give me some advises for my plan to control my android tv with alexa?


From the documentation…

To begin the PIN process, send the text “REQUEST” to the pincode channel while watching your AndroidTV. A 6 digit PIN should be displayed on the screen.
To complete the PIN process, send the PIN displayed to the pincode channel. The display should return back to where it was originally.

Was the 6-digit PIN displayed on the TV? If so, you need to send the PIN code to your GoogleTV_Pin_Code item to complete the process.

If you run into trouble getting the AndroidTV binding working with your TV, I’d suggest you post in the AndroidTV thread here.

As for the Alexa integration, sorry but I can’t really help with that part of the setup.

As an aside, the other way to handle the PIN request would be to use the Karaf console.

openhab:send GoogleTV_Pin_Code "REQUEST"

Then with the pin code (replacing 123456 with the PIN code displayed on the TV.

openhab:send GoogleTV_Pin_Code "123456"