I am trying to connect to an external system by setting up a websocket connection within a new binding.
When I go to the manifest file, I can add a dependency to package org.eclipse.jetty.websocket.client 9.2.12. This allows it to compile within the IDE. However, if I run maven install for my binding, I get an error such as:
Missing requirement: org.openhab.binding.xxx 2.0.0.qualifier requires ‘package org.eclipse.jetty.websocket.client 9.2.12’ but it could not be found
I am confused how I should be handling dependencies.
I see those jars are available within the openhab runtime. Does that mean they are exposed for binding usage?
If not, how should I be specifying dependencies for my binding? Do I manually download them and put them in the lib folder, or should I be using maven?