Hi there!
I using OH2 2.5.0 on Ubuntu machine. The version of Xiaomi Home - Russian modification 5.6.50 *.
Yesterday I get my order with Xiaomi things and I’m trying to connect the gateway v3 to the OH2.
If I have understood the documentation of the binding #Xiaomi Mi IO Binding this gateway is not supported.
In a PaperUI looks online and there is few channels: network#SSID, BSSID, RSSI, Life and Actions: Power On/Off, Execute Command, (experimental)Execute Test Commands. I have connected one temp/hum sensor and one body sensor. I have a lot of sensors but I haven’t connect them yet. Now just I’m testing.
Is it mean that I can’t read the sensors connected to the gateway?
On the other hand, I think I can’t use the #Xiaomi Mi Smart Home Binding because I can’t activate the developer mode of the gateway. How I said, the gateway is v3 and its firmware version is: 1.4.5_0005, plug-in version 1.2.17.
Any suggestions? To change the gateway or to try to downgrade the firmware?
I would like to give this topic a bump, because I’m in the same situation as @miroslav_sotiroff. I have been doing some research and I couldn’t find any way to enable developer mode either.
Maybe someone around here has more information on this topic.
Did you look at this thread? There’s quite a bit of information. The methods are not necessarily easy - you might have to solder in a connection for a UART. But it appears some people have been successful.
Hi there!
I wrote in a Russian group of developer which hacked and modified the Mi Home app. They told me that, this gatewey doesn’t have developer mode. Although I found where UART is and made the connection. I received the boot information like software version, tokens etc. but the gateway does not accept any comments. When I sent command I received echo only. So I designed to not waste any time and order cc2531 USB dongle to used as a gateway whit zigbee2mqtt. The openhab has more powerful automation then Mi Home, so it is not a big deal to not using the original app. There is onley one problem that I doesn’t found the decision yet. How to make push notifications to habdroid, but I think there is a way, but I don’t tested it yet.