Connection of DS18B20

I am using openHab on Raspberry Pi 3.
I’m thinking of using the DS18B20.
I have read various tutorials to use this.
But I did not understand so I will ask you a question.

Raspberry Pi 3 recognizes DS18B20 ( I’ve confirmed /sys/bus/w1/devices/28-0000086d378d/w1_slave.Temperature is also acquired. )
There is no DS18B20 in OneWire Binding
I know that you need owfs to use 1wire with openHab.
but i couldn’t understand about owfs.

What is owfs?
What do I need to use the DS18B20?

Disregard answer, I thought you have the DS18B20 connected to an ESP8266, not an RPi …

An easy solution is ESPEasy and MQTT binding …

Dallas DS18b20 - Let's Control It

In addition to that you need to install a broker, a lot of users here are using mosquitto

please check this and this

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