Connection pooling in modbus binding

@mbs38 @Ferryb4 Now I get it why some log statements are missing! We have to setup logger for net.wimpi.modbus (modbus library inside the binding) as well:

<logger name="org.openhab.binding.modbus" level="TRACE" />
<logger name="net.wimpi.modbus" level="TRACE" />

If you enable both of those loggers, you should be able to see useful summaries in logs.

Hi Have same problems with Modbus. Since 1.6 no any solutions for this problem. The main is pooling proccess not works correct. I try with TCP and RTU . Same problem. There is also problem with connection component, but this is not the main problem. Is there any idea for solvin the problem with pooling proccess? I have ~ 15 slaves and till now no any solutions. In general The Modbus binding not working and can be used only for testing of one slave on table. No any productions options.

@lgeorgiev exactly, it has been an issue for a long time with binding. That’s the reason implementation discussed in this thread has been created.

Have you tried out with the version linked in this thread? If not, here’s the instructions I gave in other thread test with modbus tcp. I would recommend using modbus tcp, my feeling is that you avoid a lot of issues related to serial communication by using that. Please don’t hesitate to ask if something is clear.

Please also note the extended logging configuration instructions mentioned above by me.

I would be very grateful if you have time to test this with your setup and report back! Thanks.

@mbs38 did the errors reduce with TRACE level logging? I’m thinking whether the few millisecond overhead caused by the extensive logging could reduce errors since serial line is in not so heavy use… Specifically device issues mentioned in issue 3537 might be related. As mentioned in the issue, the implementation has configuration parameter for arbitrary sleep before executing the modbus serial transaction, it’s just not exposed as configuration parameter (default is no sleep)

Also could you have to paste logs with the net.wimpi.modbus turned to debug level in logs. That should have log statements about successful executions (if some transaction has initially failed)


@ssalonen - I guess my two-slave serial setup is no good test. Seems to work just as well with binding from 1.8.0 distrib package. Host is an elderly (slow) WinXP laptop and USB-485 adaptor, timing may be relevant,

Hi all! As @ssalonen asked putting here all my data.
simplified items:
Group gEnergy “Параметры электроснабжения”

Number GridVoltageRaw “ComBox Сетевое напряжение (modbus)” {modbus=“combox:4”}
Number GridVoltage “ComBox Сетевое напряжение [%.1f V]” (gEnergy)
Number GridInputPower “ComBox Мощность сети [%d W]” (gEnergy) {modbus=“combox:7”}
Number GridOutputPower “ComBox Мощность на продажу [%d W]” (gEnergy) {modbus=“combox:10”}
Number ACGeneratorPower “ComBox Мощность от генератора [%d W]” (gEnergy) {modbus=“combox:12”}
Number XWLoadFrequencyRaw “ComBox Частота на нагрузке (modbus)” {modbus=“combox:27”}
Number XWLoadFrequency “ComBox Частота на нагрузке [%.2f Hz]” (gEnergy)
Number LoadVoltageRaw “ComBox Напряжение на нагрузке (modbus)” {modbus=“combox:16”}
Number LoadVoltage “ComBox Напряжение на нагрузке [%.1f V]” (gEnergy)
Number LoadPower “ComBox Мощность нагрузки [%d W]” (gEnergy) {modbus=“combox:15”}
Number LoadPowerAPP “ComBox Мощность нагрузки (apparent) [%d VA]” (gEnergy) {modbus=“combox:14”}
Number AveragePVVoltageRaw “ComBox Среднее напряжение на панелях (modbus)” {modbus=“mppt:0”} //Не удается прочитать 143 значения
Number AveragePVVoltage “ComBox Среднее напряжение на панелях [%.1f V]” (gEnergy)
Number MPPTPVPower “ComBox Мощность от панелей [%d W]” (gEnergy) {modbus=“combox:36”}
Number MPPTBatteryCurrentRaw “ComBox Ток на батареи (modbus)]” {modbus=“combox:37”}
Number MPPTBatteryCurrent “ComBox Ток на батареи [%.1f A]” (gEnergy)
Number MPPTBatteryPower “ComBox Мощность на батареи [%d W]” (gEnergy) {modbus=“combox:38”}
Number BatteryVoltageRaw “ComBox Напряжение на батареях (modbus)” {modbus=“combox:42”}
Number BatteryVoltage “ComBox Напряжение на батареях [%.1f V]” (gEnergy)
Number BatteryTemperatureRaw “ComBox Температура батарей (modbus)” {modbus=“combox:43”}
Number BatteryTemperature “ComBox Температура батарей [%.1f °C]” (gEnergy)
Number BatteryCurrentNetRaw “ComBox Ток батарей (modbus)” {modbus=“combox:44”}
Number BatteryCurrentNet “ComBox Ток батарей [%.1f A]” (gEnergy)

There are also very simple rules for transforming some raw data.

Here is modbus cfg:


openHAB started with sudo Here is poenhab.log from start moment

With this config I got both sections “combox” and “mppt” filled with data from tcp-gate
But there is a bit strange behaviour of the item AveragePVVoltageRaw. Look here (this is events.log)
And there are errors in log and in console.

Device is TCP-Modbus gate
I am only reading.

One more observation. The single item from “mppt” section is being refreshed every poll=3000 ms, whilst other items from “combox” section now refreshing twice or triple more rarely.

@YMedox can you please test again with logging configuration pasted above? I can’t see all log statements now.

EDIT: it looks like the server actively refuses (Connection refused, i.e. В соединении отказано in the logs I believe) some connection attempts. I’m thinking whether we have issues due to the fact that connection is closed after every transaction, and thus the server might refuce to accept new connection rightaway (see e.g. issue 3537 that documents similar behaviour for modbus tcp requests). If this is indeed the case, we should be able to make either connection establishment more robust a) waiting small (configurable, default 0ms) duration before executing read request, as discussed in the issue b) by retrying in case of errors.

I wonder if you can reproduce the issue with external script, e.g. using netcat or nc (noticed that you have *nix system so that should be readily available usually). For example, one can test that connection can be established to port 80 (-v verbose, -z just connect and then close immediately, -w timeout 1 second)

Connection to 80 port [tcp/http] succeeded!````

In your case you could try to connect to the modbus server as much as you can (note that it will connect 100 times to the server, hope it's ok for you!):
````$ for i in $(seq 1 100); do nc -v -z -w 1 502; done````

You should not get any errors. You can try even more connections by changing the number `100` to `10000` for example.


@ssalonen I’ve changed the logging configuration to this:

Some logs with the new settings: aprettybigpaste -

The errors did reduce with trace level logging. However there are still some errors - as you can see in the paste.

@mbs38 Thank you very much! I like what I see now:

21:28:03.524 [DEBUG] [ ] - Sent: 09 01 00 00 00 18 3d 48
21:28:03.564 [ERROR] [ ] - Last request: 09 01 00 00 00 18 3d 48
21:28:03.564 [ERROR] [ ] - failed to read: Error reading response (EOF)
21:28:03.565 [ERROR] [ ] - execute try 1/3 error: I/O exception - failed to read. Request: net.wimpi.modbus.msg.ReadCoilsRequest@6806bc7d. Serial parameters: SerialParameters@5d7b8a17[portName=/dev/ttyS0,baudRate=38400,flowControlIn=none,flowControlOut=none,databits=8,stopbits=1,parity=none,encoding=rtu,echo=false,receiveTimeout=40]
21:28:03.569 [DEBUG] [ ] - Sent: 09 01 00 00 00 18 3d 48
21:28:03.581 [DEBUG] [ ] - Response: 09 01 03 00 1f 00 35 36
21:28:03.581 [DEBUG] [ ] - execute eventually succeeded with 1 re-tries. Request: net.wimpi.modbus.msg.ReadCoilsRequest@6806bc7d. Serial parameters: …

So it eventually succeeds, it just has to re-try the transaction. Now that timeout is configurable, I think this is pretty good since the overall polling is not slowed too much.

Can you please tell me if transaction fails completely, i.e. 3 retries are not enough (you should have something like execute reached max tries 3, throwing last error in the logs)? Let it run for some time to make sure…

I have a hunch that we we could lower the error rate by making the transaction delay configurable, i.e. we would wait for some millis before executing the read/write transaction… I believe that’s more logging helps because delay is introduced between the transactions.

EDIT: actually can you try to increase the timeout from 40ms. I believe that might reduce errors.

EDIT 2: I will make that particular log statement info level in the future, I think it would nice to see that transaction eventually succeeded if there are errors.

For evaluation I’ve created a microcontroller based device that can count the amount of successful modbus transactions on my RS485 network.

This is my openhab.cfg and logging configuration:

With openhab started in debug mode I get about 1700 successful transactions per minute, in normal mode I only get about 190.

Here are the corresponding logs:


What do you think?

EDIT: Btw, because of this I’m currently running my productive system in debug mode - I’m piping the output to /dev/null because it generates 400MB of logs per hour… :dizzy_face:

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This is excellent stuff! I will have to look at the logs and will get back to you…

@mbs38 you realize that you have 5ms polling period?

I think that might be too low…My understanding of low level serial communication is a bit limited but here goes. MODBUS over Serial Line - Specification and Implementation guide (p.13 remark) says that inter-frame delay of 1.75ms is recommended with baud rates > 19200. See also this compact answer in stackoverflow on the timings.

Since you have 10 slaves configured, each will product single modbus request-response message (frame) pair, i.e. we should expect poll to take over 1.75ms102 = 35ms. This is with the assumption that there is no delays between bits of the message (the spec recommends 750us=0.75ms for the inter-character time-out). Let’s say each request has 8 bits + RTU frame of 3 bits = 11 bits. With max inter-character delays, that would total to 0.75ms*10 = 7.5ms per message. Since each poll means 20 messages, that amounts to max 150ms of inter-character delays. Summing this up with inter-frame delays we get 185ms (150+35).

So using this logic, poll period of around 35ms is as low as you should go, but with some cases 185ms could be considered the minimum limit (max. inter-character delays).

I might be completely off here (specs are specs – real world is something different, and not sure if I read it correctly), and to be honest have no details how the serial communication has been implemented in the java library openhab uses. I think it uses OS specific bits so this might depend on platform.

  • Would the errors disappear if you set poll period to something more conservative, such as 500ms? I do understand that there might be use cases for high poll periods, but at least we can rule out what causes these issues… If that works, perhaps you could try to lower it from there
  • You could also try increasing the baud rate (e.g. 115200 which is the maximum the binding supports), if possible with your setup.

Thanks for testing these out…

EDIT: Noticed that the jamod library that is used (actually openhab has its own forked version) for the modbus binding, has this disclaimer under Serial Modbus Implementations section:

The RTU implementation does only support the Master side. It is working by the best effort principle, which means it might not work in a reliable way in a low-lantency real-time context.

The requirement of 5ms poll period might be on the edge I believe :frowning:

EDIT2: if you check your debug logs closely,
$ grep Sent /tmp/YEHZZbNg.txt

00:59:11.548 [DEBUG] [ ] - Sent: 03 02 00 00 00 01 b8 28
00:59:11.571 [DEBUG] [ ] - Sent: 0a 01 00 00 00 18 3d 7b
00:59:11.601 [DEBUG] [ ] - Sent: 10 02 00 00 00 01 ba 8b
00:59:11.621 [DEBUG] [ ] - Sent: 08 01 00 00 00 18 3c 99

you can see that true poll periods are 23ms, 30ms, and 20ms. Perhaps this gives some realistic poll period to try, say 50ms?

EDIT3: In any case, I think even with long polling period, at every poll, many modbus requests are written simultaneously without waiting in-between. I will make a version with configurable inter-request wait period that might help with these issues. In fact, I saw similar approach taken in another modbus library (modbus4j).

@ssalonen, here is part of output of “for i in $(seq 1 100); do nc -v -z -w 1 502; done” command: openHAB was not working at this moment.

I added
logger name=“org.openhab.binding.modbus” level=“TRACE” />
logger name=“net.wimpi.modbus” level=“TRACE” />
into logback.xml and started openhab with Here is openhab.log:

Both slaves pass values to items in close but not sincronous interval.

@YMedox thanks! Please note that when you use start_debug it does not use logback.xml. Instead, it uses logback_debug.xml.

Because of this you need to apply the logging changes there instead.

But don’t worry I think it would reveal anything important… Let me get back to you later when I have a possible fix

@ssalonen, I’ve changed modbus:poll=5 to modbus:poll=50. The rest of the configuration is unchanged.

debug mode: ca 1660 transactions / minute
normal mode: ca 120 transactions / minute

debug mode:
normal mode:

@mbs38 thank you again very much. That sounds promising! I will come back to you with a possible fix…

@ssalonen, thank you! Will wait for news from you.

@YMedox @mbs38 @Ferryb4 @rossko57 New version (v3) out!

Download it out from my github releases

Now you can configure delay between transactions. With my Siemens PLC, 100ms was OK while 50ms was too little (got connection refused all the time with 5ms polling).

Testing really appreciated as always :slight_smile: