Contact item and Number item do not trigger rule in oh2.3.0

When I started up with JSR223, it helped me to start with the basics and work up into the modules/libraries that people have put together. What if you go back to basics with a rule using the raw ESH API? Here’s an example (can also be found in the demo)…

And here are the docs…

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So I have set debug level for scripts, but that doesn’t seem to work (OH2.3.0 stable).
I have gone back to Javascript basics and then I only have a cron like trigger working and no clue as how to trigger on my PIR contact item.
I have an errorless .rules Xtend script file, but the rules only trigger on cron triggers. My etc/openhab2 directory can be found on github, so all items, rules, channels etc. can be found there (repository etc_openhab2).
It would be very nice if the item changed triggers were working again (I had it working on an older version of openhab, but going back is no option for me, that’s not my style).

Maybe I broke things with my features.xml file. Tomorrow I will have a look at a fresh OH2.3.0 install and compare the feature:list and a bundle:list outputs with the outputs of my custom installation.

No strange things found. I have discovered a nifty mqtt feature in openhab that publishes all events (updates to items).
This made it quite easy to convert my rules into Camel routes. In a few nights I had it working.
Openhab is nice for the bindings, persistence and the app (gui), but not (yet) for scripting.

Thanks for your efforts!