I decided to refactor my scripts to Javascript so that I can reuse the code in different places. I hope to be able to share my rules and where I am either today or tomorrow.
What’s working so far, but I’m currently working to refactor the code:
Fetch spot prices from Entso-E API and store them as future-timestampped points to InfluxDB
Read the stored spot prices from InfluxDB and calculate the on/off hours for the waterheater based on that. These on/off hours are stored as different future-timestampped points to InfluxDB
An hourly rule that runs every full hour that checks if the waterheater should be turned on/off and controls the GPIO output. I currently have a simple buzzer connected to the GPIO but I should get my father-in-law (an electrician) to do the relay & contactor connections in the next week or so.