Controme Binding

Current development state

:white_check_mark: Discovery of Rooms
:white_check_mark: read-only Channels for

  • Setpoint Temp
  • Current Temp
  • Humidity
  • Sensors

:black_square_button: Write Setpoint-Values
:black_square_button: Write Virtual Sensor-Values (temperature and humidity)
:black_square_button: Add default metadata tags (Alexa)
:black_square_button: Documentation

Current snapshot build: Filebin | 0od3yfioem4n4nhk
Source: openhab-addons/bundles/org.openhab.binding.controme at controme ยท BoBiene/openhab-addons (


It looks like the Filebin Link is broken, is there a chance to get the current snapshot build?