Converting a Hex String to a Number using parseInt

Why is it not working I going bald, I have tried also

  //convert hex_code to Number type
   var MyNumber = Integer.parseInt(hex_code, 16) as Number
  //use the following for large_hex_code
  var MyNumber1 = Long.parseLong(hex_code, 16) as Number
   // coverting hex_code into DecimalType
  var DecimalType parsedResult = DecimalType.valueOf(Long.parseLong(hex_code, 16).toString);
   val itemvalue = new java.math.BigDecimal(Integer::parseInt(hex_code, 16))

I guess I don’t know or its not working or is broken.

Oh well try another approach
Install JS Transformation Pattern

Create File in transformation folder

(function(i) {
  if (i == 'NULL') { return i; }
  if ((i == '-') || (i == 'UNDEF')) { return 'Undefined'; }
  return (parseInt(i,16));

Then use a transform in your rule

rule "Battery Level"
when Time cron "0/15 * * * * ?" //run every 15 seconds
   var hex_code = executeCommandLine("i2cget -y 1 0x62 0x4 b",10000) 
   var value = transform("JS", "HEXtoDEC.js", hex_code)